♡︎xi. Talking Body ⚠︎︎

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"now if we're talking body,you got a perfect one,so put it on me"* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

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"now if we're talking body,
you got a perfect one,
so put it on me"
* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Reader POV
Todoroki and I are currently cuddled up on my bed,
His idea of 'keeping it simple' was at least to get everyday cuddles from me.
I genuinely enjoyed it too and thought it was cute he found such a fondness in the affection, but it only reminded me more about how I wanted us to be official already.
But, I was waiting until Todoroki was ready enough.
It's been a significant amount of time after we had talked about taking it easy, only letting our feelings grow stronger.
And for me, it was working.
We went every day together, acting as if we had it under control, only to feel the connection grow stronger rapidly.
And by the way Todoroki was hugging onto me at the moment, I figured it was working for him too.
I was ready for it to move faster, and even officially be Todorokis girlfriend...
But, I just had to wait for him to give me that signal.
I didn't want to overwhelm him, like I've said before.
I've taught him a few things about being a significant other to someone, and I was hoping he had picked up on it.
Although Todoroki doesn't know much about social interactions, he was still smart enough to know when he wants something.
And I trust him to let me know about whatever it is, anyway.
I sigh and go to close my eyes, before Todoroki then suddenly shifts and sits up with a grunt, then a huff.
I sit up and stare at him.
"you alright, Todoroki?" I say, placing a hand on his shoulder as he looks at me.
He nods and leans forward slightly, our faces now not too far apart.
A blush spreads across my cheeks as my eyelids grow heavy, as I feel the magnetism between me and him suddenly pull us closer.
"y/n, I've been thinking about the things you're teaching me and my feelings...i'm still not perfect at this but I really want to try" He says, tilting his head to the side and looking into my eyes.
Perfect timing.
Our noses suddenly touch as we continue to pull towards each other.
"uh, well...I-I want...I don't...uh" Todorokis face turns a dark red as he falls over his words, not knowing what to say while he stares down at my bed sheets.
I felt bad slightly, hoping he was able to speak his mind eventually.
Because I was curious, obviously, but also I wanted to make sure he's always able to talk about how he's feeling. That was the point of giving him someone to trust, wasn't it?
Then, he looks up into my eyes and sighs heavily.
"can I kiss you again?" He blurts, placing his hands on my cheeks.
My heart pounds against my chest feeling him touch me again so suddenly, as I give him a genuine smile.
"of course you can" I mumble, our lips now inches apart.
Todoroki hums gently before connecting our lips, and I feel his hand slide to my hip.
My hands make their way to his hair as he leans himself firmly against me, as if he wasn't close enough in the moment we were sharing.
Then, he pulls away and leans his forehead against mine.
"i-i'm sorry...it's just-" He starts to say as he looks down, feeling his hand squeeze my hip as he thinks.
"y/n, you've made me happier than anyone ever has before, and I don't want to lose that...so I didn't know how much longer I could wait before I made you mine" He reveals, looking up into my eyes.
"I know i'm not the best at this, and I probably won't be for a while, but I feel like I know enough to ask you to be my girlfriend. I want to be given that chance, I want you to trust me as much as i've learned to trust you, even if it was shorter than you expected until I did" He says, bringing a hand to caress my cheek.
I smile wide, feeling myself grow incredibly happy now that he's finally asked what i've been waiting for.
"of course i'll give you that chance, Todoroki. i've been waiting for you to feel comfortable enough to tell me anyway, that's why I wanted to take it slow for a while. so you could let me know when you were ready" I say, leaning in and capturing his lips against mine once more. He brings both hands to the sides of my face as I feel him slightly open his mouth, his tongue now hovering against my lips.
I let out a gasp as I fall onto my pillows, seeing him support himself above me.
He takes dominance in the kiss instinctively as it grows passionate, feeling his hand then travel to my hip again while his leg sits in between my thighs.
He breaks the kiss and leans his forehead against mine.
"how do we-?"
I bring a finger to his lips as I shake my head.
"just do what you feel is right. I trust that you'll know what you're doing, so don't be afraid to do something wrong" I say, smiling up at him.
I pull at the bottom of his shirt as he smiles down at me, then leaning forward and kissing my lips again.
I go to sit up, not breaking the kiss as I push Todoroki back to sit down, then straddling his lap.
He wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me in closer to him as I feel his tongue glide against mine again, causing me to grow more aroused by the minute.
I moan into the kiss impulsively, and Todoroki seems to take interest in that as he brings a hand to squeeze my bare thigh where my shorts end.
I pull away from the kiss with a huff, staring into Todorokis libidinous eyes, causing me to blush.
Even though, at the moment, I was thinking of the same desire.
"are you sure you want to do this?" I ask, leaning forward slightly.
But, leaning forward only caused my clothed pussy to brush up against the already almost noticeable tent in his pants, causing me to gasp in surprise as he caresses my hips.
"what do you think?" He asks, raising an eyebrow at me with a slight smirk.
I wonder what he's like when fully aroused.
My blush darkens as my hands are placed on his shoulders, and my hips subconsciously start to roll against him.
I let out a whimper as he stares into my eyes, feeling his hands rub up and down the outside of my thighs as I hunch over against his chest.
I feel my tank top start to cling to my skin as it grows warm in my dorm room, obviously from how worked up Todoroki and I were becoming.
I feel Todoroki grab at the bottom of my shirt, his cold fingers sliding underneath carefully.
I look at him as he bites his lip, seeing him staring down at my chest.
"w-what are you looking at?" I ask him, and he brings his eyes to mine.
"you know, the last time you wore a tank top, you bent down right in front of me,
y/n" He says, tilting his head to the side with a smirk.
"i'm not going to lie and say I didn't see anything" He admits, bringing his hands up my shirt and to my chest, desirably squeezing at my clothed breasts.
My hips twitch forwards as I let out a moan, grabbing at Todorokis shoulder with one hand, and the other lifting up my shirt to reveal my bra, as his hands knead at my chest.
"T-Todoroki, would you like me to take off my shirt?" I whisper, and he quickly looks into my eyes.
"take off everything" He purrs, kissing the corner of my mouth and along my jawline as he helps me then pull my shirt over my head.
I reach behind me and uclip my bra, pulling the straps off my arms and throwing it to the side.
I look down at my chest and use my hands to caress my breasts, looking up at a very flustered Todoroki.
He licks his lips as he brings a hand behind my back, pulling my chest closer to his face.
He brings a warm tongue to circle my right nipple, then an icy hand from activating his quirk to pinch and stimulate my other nipple.
"o-oh, fuck..." I moan out as my heat pushes up between his legs, feeling his now obvious erection. I bring my hand to the back of his head, feeling his hair as his tongue glides gently around my breast, and his cold hand squeezing at the other one.
He opens his mouth to rest against my right breast, still circling it with his tongue before closing his mouth on it and sucking gently.
I moan loudly as the titillation of my core grows warmer. I keep my right hand in his hair as he plays with my chest, then bringing my left hand down to my shorts and into my undergarments, using my middle finger to circle my clit.
I bite my lip and roll my hips in the rhythm of my fingers, continuing to moan loudly.
This seemed to have caught Todorokis attention as he detaches himself from my breast with a light 'pop', then looking up into my eyes as I sigh persistent moans.
He looks down to my shorts to where my hand has travelled, then back up to my eyes with a questionable look.
"w-what are you-?"
Before he could finish, I lean backwards and bring my hand from his hair to behind me, using it to prop myself up as I pleasure myself in front of Todoroki.
I then moan out, "Todoroki, I-I love you...", before his questionable look turns salacious, as he suddenly picks himself up and pushes me back down against my pillows forcefully, and brings a hand to harshly press against my core, to which I moan loudly in response.
He leans down and kisses my lips quickly, before lifting his head up and bringing a hand to the hem of my shorts, readying himself to pull them down.
"and I love you, y/n"

* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
"swear it won't take you long, if you love me right"

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