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It was a coed Math class.
Holly gazed over at the dreamy senior, Quinn.
Everyone knew about Quinn, she was mysterious as hell and had killer parties every weekend. The parties were super exclusive, you had to get invited by Quinn herself. It was even rumoured that the famous drummer, Ashton Irwin attended one. Another rumour was that he and Quinn made out.
Quinn's head started to turn upward. Holly immediately looked down at her test paper, she didn't want Quinn to notice her starring.
After class, Holly noticed Quinn talking to her super cool best friend Laila, who was so good at skateboarding that they say she almost made the olympics once.
"Oh my god I totally just bombed that test." Quinn exclaimed to her bestie "It was worth like half my grade, I'm not going to graduate with this mark."
Laila and Holly's eyes met as she passed them.
"Hey wait" Laila hollered at her "you're Holly Willis, right?"
"Uh y-yea"
"Joan Miller told me something about you,"
"really? I haven't spoken with him since camp"
" ya he said that you said that you're cousin was failing science and managed to change his mark from an F to a B, by you know.... cheating the system."
Holly knew the story Laila was talking about. Kenzie Luca told it around the fire the last day of Roaddale summer camp. Laila must be getting her confused since Holly was Joan's camp games partner and they shared all kinds of neat stories. No way was Holly telling her that she was making a mistake, that would end her potential interaction with Quinn McAllister. "so," Laila continued "do you think you could show us how he did it so we can help Quinn pass school?"
"That'd be cool" Quinn added darting her a look with her piercing hazel eyes.
omg, thought Holly, the popular amazing Quinn just spoke to her, and she didn't just speak to her, she called her 'cool' so without giving it a second thought she blurted out...
"Ya I'd be happy to help,"
" Okay," replied Quinn, " meet us in the courtyard after school tomorrow?"
"Yea, catch you later!" Holly couldn't believe it she was so excited...
"See you later Hilary" Quinn said just before walking off.
So Quinn didn't get her name right, Holly was so excited that Quinn McAllister needed HER. The cool kids had just asked for something and Holly was beyond the moon. Her excitement washed over her like a wave and she didn't even think about how her lie might catch up to her...
To be continued...

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