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Holly had almost forgot how life before being "in" with Quinn had felt. Well now she remembered. And she felt completely and utterly ordinary. She had friends whom she loved sure, but she was no longer friends with her crush and that made her so sad. She was no longer friends with the awesome girl who was always having a good time and doing insane things. She would no longer participate in these exhilarating events while becoming closer to her crush.
A week had gone by. Holly was too depressed to even speak to Raina or Mikey. Quinn was still sticking up her nose and looking the other way as Holly passed her in Math class.
And then, on one fateful day, Quinn, Laila, and Holly were called down to the principals office.
They entered and sat in the three chairs neatly spread out in front of Mr. Pierce's desk.
"Girls," he said, as if announcing the word, "the other day I was told that kids sometimes come in here to do vaping at lunch or something..."
Holly was confused, what could this be about?
"And so I looked through the tape for my security camera, and found footage of a few weeks ago"
A few weeks ago... was there something she had done a few weeks ago... oh no! Holly has almost forgotten about breaking into Mr. Pierce's office in attempt to change Quinn's math grade. What was going to happen? She became extremely nervous.
"I saw the three of you breaking into my office after hours and messing with my computer."
There it was. They were so screwed. During this panic, Holly took a second to appreciate sitting next to Quinn, she hadn't been this close to her since their falling out.
"Now I don't want to have to get the police involved with this if I don't have to," Mr. Pierce continued, "but I am going to have to punish you all. You need to understand that this type of behaviour is unacceptable. Two week suspension for all three of you."
Quinn and Laila sighed. Holly felt terrible for getting them into this type of trouble. It was her fault for not even thinking about the cameras. Even if they weren't speaking, she couldn't live with getting Quinn in trouble on her consciousness, she still cared about her too much. So, without a moment of hesitation, she blurted out,
"It was my fault,"
"What?" said Mr. Pierce " it's not about who's fault it was, all of you broke the rules here."
"I know but, I feel horrible you see, because I forced them to come with me. I heard Mrs. B talking to Mr. White and she said you had some extremely embarrassing pictures on that computer."
Mr. Pierce grew silent. Holly held back a smile, her plan was seeming to work.
"I really wanted to see these pictures and share them with the whole school. I thought it would be so funny. So I forced Laila and Quinn to come and help me that day. My plan would've been successful if Laila hadn't spotted that you were coming from around the corner. I just feel really bad and don't think you should punish them too."
Holly was very proud of her arguing skills. She had even considered becoming a lawyer.
"I see," Mr. Pierce replied, "well Holly, I really appreciate your honesty. And your attempts to aid your friends are very admirable. Now that I have been presented with this information you will still receive your full two week suspension but Ms. McAllister and Ms. Smith here will only be suspended for a day. Holly you may collect your homework from your teachers and be on your way, and I don't want to see you on this property until the two weeks has come to an end."
Holly was ecstatic. She was so happy to have had the chance to do some good for once. Before leaving the office, she linked eyes with Quinn who smiled at her. She smiled at her!! Even though she had a two week suspension ahead of her, life was starting to look a bit better!
To be continued....

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2020 ⏰

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