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She pushed the pin as hard as she could several times. Click. Finally. They opened the door and rushed into the next room with impeccable speed. They had escaped by a matter of seconds.
As they crossed the staff room, heading for the door to the hallway, Holly could hear Mr. Pierce say, "huh that's weird, I could've sworn that I shut down my computer before leaving." She prayed he wouldn't put the pieces together and realize it wasn't a coincidence at all.
When they finally reached the hallway Holly asked, "do you want to stay and wait for him to leave?"
"Who knows how long that report could take," Quinn replied "we could be here all night, let's just go."
And so that's what they did. Holly went home, did some Spanish homework and went to bed.
The next day after math class, Holly noticed Quinn leaned up against her locker on her phone.
She walked over to her and asked, "So, do you want to try changing the grade again tonight?" 
"Actually it's okay, Mrs. B is giving me an extra credit project to make up for the test, it seems pretty easy so I'm not too worried. That was really cool you trying to help me like that though. A couple of friends are coming over after school, you should come."
"Okay, sounds fun, see ya"
Holly practically skipped to her next class. She was so thrilled to have been invited to the McAllister residence. The rest of the day she could hardly pay attention to her lessons. She was given a chemistry assignment but knew she wouldn't be able to finish it for the next day, she was going to hang out with Quinn!! 
Upon Holly's arrival to Quinn's house later that night, Laila greeted her and led her inside a garage that looked a lot smaller from the outside.
Inside, there was a large group of guys with a couple girls sitting next to them on luxurious looking couches and further away was an even larger group of girls all huddled up and giggling. For what Quinn had labeled a 'couple friends coming over,' there were quite a few. There were at least fifteen or twenty people inside this mysterious garage of hers.
Holly began speaking to a few of the guys and girls sitting on the couches. They seemed really cool. She discovered a kid named Damien was somehow related to Ashton Irwin and a girl named Annabeth was a famous YouTuber.
Then, Damien took what looked like herbs wrapped up in paper out of his bag, lit it up, and took a puff. He preceded to offer some to Holly. She panicked at first, what should she do? She had never tried drugs before, plus, she had asthma, did that matter? Then, from across the room, she locked eyes with Quinn who was grinning at her. Holly got lost in her smile and decided she couldn't reject this boy while Quinn was watching her, so she accepted and Damien began helping her light the paper as it approached her lips. She regretted this decision immediately afterward. She was coughing and wheezing and felt like she would never be able to stop.
She hadn't noticed but as her eyes were closed and she was coughing, Quinn had made her way over to her side. She realized this when she was finished coughing and Quinn began laughing.
"First time?" Quinn asked
"Pft no I have smoked before..." Holly tried to defend herself. But it was evident that Quinn saw right through her lie. This led to a conversation about their interests and aspirations for the future. Then, Quinn invited her to sit with her and Laila at lunch the next day.
At the end of the night, Holly and Quinn hugged goodbye and on her walk home, Holly was beaming.
She really felt like her and Quinn might be starting to become close and this thought both excited and terrified her.
To be continued...

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