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It was lunchtime. The cool kids table. Holly was a bit overwhelmed. The conversation began with talking about school and complaining about teachers. Then, Laila explained a situation in which her brother had spoken to a boy she had over weirdly and was so worried.
"I wouldn't sweat it," said Holly, "having a weird family is pretty normal, I don't think he'll blame you for this."
"That reminds me," said Quinn, "I can't wait for you guys to meet a boy I've been seeing. His name is Ashton, he's going to be at my party this weekend which you are both coming to."
Holly didn't know what to be more surprised about. The fact that she was invited to one of Quinn McAllister's LEGENDARY parties or that this Ashton that Quinn was talking about was probably Ashton Irwin. He was the celebrity that everyone heard rumours about, but no one knew if it was really true whether he had visited the McAllister residence. Also, Holly didn't know whether to be exctatic or a bit disappointed. She was beyond the moon that she would finally get to go to one of Quinn's parties, but she was slightly upset that she had a boyfriend. How was Holly supposed to compete with the Ashton Irwin? Did Quinn even like girls? "Holly, you'll be there, right?"
"Ya for sure"
"Okay good, I really think you're gonna love Ashton."
So what Quinn had a boyfriend? At least she was telling Holly about it. They were becoming such good friends, truly Quinn would soon realize that they would be so much better as more than friends, right?

In math class, Holly doesn't go to her normal place beside her friend Mikey; she decides to sit with her new bestie Quinn.
Right away, Quinn shoots at her, "actually I told Samantha she could sit there today."
"o-o-okay," Holly awkwardly stammers as she puts her head down and heads to her usual spot.
Holly was so confused, was Quinn mad at her? There was something about the way Quinn spoke to her that made her think that she definitely was. She decided she would text her during locker break and ask if something was wrong. And so she did:

-- Hey Quinn, are you mad at me?

-- What makes you think that

-- Well idk its just that you never sit with Samantha

-- Ugh are you rly just gonna pretend like you don't know what's wrong?

-- I'm sorry I really dont know what ur talking about

-- well I think we need to talk, meet me outside the lckerroom in 5

As Holly approached the locker room, she spotted Quinn, who looked up from her phone.
"Hey," Holly says, in a confused tone as she tries to read the expression on Quinn's face.
"Look I know what you did," Quinn shoots at her in a rude tone, "I was speaking to Kenzie Luca during third period and she told me her story from camp. About how her cousin was failing and he figured out a way to cheat the system and change his F to a B."
Oh no, Holly thought, could something this small really ruin her friendship with the most popular girl in school?
"She told me how she told everyone in camp that story. Including Joan Miller who was your games partner."
"Quinn, wait I'm sorry okay?"
"Let me finish, it's just that I don't understand why you would lie to me about this story, how can I trust anything you say? Did you tell me this story to make me look stupid? Were you even planning on changing my grade in the first place? Are you jealous of me or something and planning on becoming my friend and just stabbing me in the back? Don't even think about coming to my party now, I don't need fake friends."
Then Quinn stormed off
"Quinn wait, it's not like that I promise," Holly hollered at her, too late, Quinn didn't even seem to care.

Holly couldn't believe this. She was crushed. She messed up her chance at being friends with the cool kids, but worst of all, she messed up her chance with Quinn.
To be continued....

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