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I'm sitting in my hotel room with Calum and Tyler while he records his videos.

We're only getting older baby

And I've been thinking about you lately

Does it ever drive you crazy

Just how fast the night changes

Everything that you've ever dreamed of

Disappearing when you wake up...

As he ends the song, he says his goodbye and I clap loudly.

"Wow. You sound even better in person!" I say to him. He blushes and mutters a shy

"Damn right Jade! You got that comment on point!" Tyler agrees with me.

"Now come help me record the Q&A video before I have to go!" I say. He nods in excitement.

I press the record button and check the lighting and I start talking.

"Helloo guys! I'm joined here with the very talented Calum Hood! And today we... Actually you tell them," I say.

"Okay, aha, we asked you guys on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram to send us some questions and we-" he points to him and then me "-are going to answer them!"

"Y'all sent in some very interesting questions" I laugh, Calum nods in agreement and he laughs a little.

"Okay, this one is from.. @nomorecoolusernames on Instagram.. She says: If you could do anything with out getting into trouble, what would you do?" Calum says, reading out the question.

"Oooh dayum," I say. I think hard about this.

"Nothing I could say would be appropriate," Calum mutters, my mouth drops open in shock and amusement and a sly smirk creeps onto his face.

"Ewie," I say playfully. "Um... I would maybe steal the Mexicans.... Also known as Pierce The Veil, then I'd take them away..." I say. Calum's eyebrows raise suggestively.

"What are you gonna do with them?" Calum asks.

"You don't even wanna know," I say creepily. I laugh and I look to my MacBook for another question.

"This one is from... @5sos_1d_footie_lover: I dare you to try and watch an elephant giving birth without making any facial expressions!" I say.

"This is not gonna end well..." Calum murmurs. We find a good video of an elephant giving birth and we watch it.

"Well I've lost already, I'm laughing because the guy or girl who made this can't spell 'Caution' he spelt it C-A-U-S-H-O-N!!" I burst out into laughter, placing my hand on Calum's shoulder for support.

My actions and my recent sentence made him burst out in laughter and we continue laughing for a straight 5 minutes because someone can't spell.

"Okay- okay- phew," Calum says after the laughter died down.

"Well then... This one is from @lukehemmingsnips on Twitter, she says: How did you two meet? X" I read. I turn to Calum.

"Well, I've watched Jades videos only this year,"

"When Calum subscribed to me, I saw that he had 9,000+ subscribers with only 5 or 6 videos. So I looked... I saw singing videos and I shared them," I say simply. He nods in agreement.

"My YouTube channel then got 1 Million subscribers and I was so happy, I got a thingy from Hank and John Green, they invited me to VidCon to have a segment and sing, and of course I accepted." Calum explained. I remember the first time I went to VidCon, it was in 2011, the second ever VidCon.

"I then asked Calum if he was coming here, and he said yes and blah blah we met blah blah and then here we are now!" I end the story, leaving out un-important bits and pieces.

He nods and runs a hand through his hair.

"Okay, this one is from @Cats_are_cool: Make your YouTube family xx" Calum reads out.

"Ooh! Okay, so my mum would be.... Zoella.... My dad would be-"

"-ALFIE BECAUSE IMAGINE BEING ADOPTED BY ZALFIE!" Calum cuts in, fangirling because zalfie.

"-I was gonna say that woman! Jeez, okay, my older brother would be... Pewdiepie or Felix, whatever you want to call him... And my younger sister would be-"

"-what about Miranda?" Calum says, laughing.

"That would be cool... And my uncle who always gets drunk and slutty would be Caspar." I finish. Calum starts talking.

"My mum would be Felix, and my dad would be Marzia-" I burst out in laughter.

"What?" He asks, oblivious to his mistake.

"So your dad is Marzia?" I say. His eyes widen.

"You have to cut that out!" He says. I ain't cutting that out.

"Okay okay.... My mum would be Marzia and my dad would be Felix. My older brother would be Joe Sugg... My younger sister would be Louise and my 'overly the top I will give you slobbery kisses' aunty will be... Tyler Oakley!" Calum says, shooting Tyler a wink.

Tyler bursts out in laughter and comes into camera. He sits on Calum and starts giving him a lot of kisses on the cheeks. Calum yells out and I laugh/cry.

"P-please! T-TYLER STOP AHAHAHAHAH!!!" Calum says, while Tyler's hands move to tickle him in the process.

V v long chapter.

I hope you like it.

Remember to comment bc it makes me smile


And can we just take a moment to appreciate Mr. Hood's fine face in that picture ;)

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