This Is Normal

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Bakusquad vs Dekusquad and Mineta:
Pinky, Baby Girl, Darling, Sharkboi, Tape Ass, Pikachu, PervGrapes, Chubcheeks, Kermit, Deku, Half Ass, Optimus Prime

Author i have a question about ur

What really is the point of it?
All u can do is glow neon

Baby Girl:
Bitch ass hoe wanna fucken fight bitch
I'll spit in ur god damn mouth and shit in
ur left shoe bitch ass motherfucken whore

Baby Girl:
I have a question for u fat face

Baby Girl:
Ur quirk is supposed to make u weightless?
So why tf don't u lose a few god damn pounds
u fat ass bitch

That's so mean Author-chan!!

Half Ass:
Bakugou is a bad influence

Fuck off u half ass bitch daddy
issue whore

Why do i feel like Author-chan is
cursing a lot more than usual

I mean look who she's dating can
u really blame her

Optimus Prime:
Bakugou is really a bad influence on

Say that again motherfucken engine
bitch i dare u

Baby Girl:
Nah fam I'm just happy that's all

What logic....

There is no logic in the Bakusquad

Tape Ass:
True dat hoe

Optimus Prime:
Uraraka has been off for a while now

Half Ass:
I think she's crying

She deserves it

Baby Girl:
I'm so tempted to break Quarantine

Yeah fam me to

Half Ass:
Did u just change the subject

Baby Girl:
Bitch don't go spilling cold tea

Tape Ass:
Yeah don't spill cold tea
Spill it while its hot

The fuck r u extras saying

Baby Girl:
Fluff off porcupine bitch get a goddamn
dictionary and find out

There's a dictionary to tell us
what we r saying?

Baby Girl:
Idfk maybe

Optimus Prime:
I've officially given up all hope
on the Bakusquad

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