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Assalamu Alaikum, guys! This is clearly not a chapter update to "Amarah." It is a much more important message, so please DON'T SKIP it and please read through it (it won't take much of your time).

So, you guys have probably seen all the videos and posts online about how POC are treated in America. POC have continuously faced racism and injustice by their own police officers (who are meant to protect the people) and by their fellow Americans in a country that emphasizes freedom and racial equality.

Looking at these injustices and saying, "Oh, that's sad and it sucks," and then continuing to move on with your life is not the way to address it. Merely "feeling bad" about these injustices will NOT bring about change. ACTION brings about change. And there are many things YOU can do in the comfort of your own homes to support the black community.


First, you have to educate yourselves on what is going on and why it is going on.


Here are some series on Netflix to educate yourself on black oppression (these are just a couple, but there are way more):

1) Explained (season 1, episode 1: The Racial Wealth Gap)

2) Time: The Kalief Browder Story

3) When They See Us

4) 13th

5) Who Killed Malcolm X?


And if you guys want to read books on race, here are some:

1) The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness ~ Michelle Alexander

2) So You Want to Talk About Race ~ Ijeoma Oluo

3) White Fragility: Why It's So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism ~ Robin DiAngelo

4) How to Be an Antiracist ~ Ibram X. Kendi

5) Heavy: An American Memoir ~ Keise Laymon

+ many more you can find online


Here is an informational video on Systemic Racism:


And if you want to sign petitions, donate, and find other resources, this is a great link:


And if you can't donate, there is this Youtube video you can watch with ads that will donate 100% of the ad revenue to BLM organizations. To make it work, you have to make sure to not skip any of the ads, or else it won't count (make sure your ad blocker is turned off). It's about an hour-long, so you can let it play in the background while you do something else.

Here is the video:


Oh, and if you don't think police brutality is an actual problem against POC, look at this non-comprehensive list of people (there are MORE) who have DIED at the hands of police in the US (it is proven that black Americans who die at the hands of police is twice as high as white Americans):

Oh, and if you don't think police brutality is an actual problem against POC, look at this non-comprehensive list of people (there are MORE) who have DIED at the hands of police in the US (it is proven that black Americans who die at the hands of ...

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Remember to always stand up for what is right!


♡ Sending out my love to all of the black readers and writers here, WE STAND WITH YOU! 


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