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  "This can't be happening..." Himiko mumbled.

  "I-I'm sure he's lying! He won't kill us! N-No way!" Tenko said, laughing a little to hide her anxiety.

  "Are you sure? I mean, look at everything else he's done. Like trapping us here. He'd be capable of killing us all," Kokichi said nonchalantly.

  "Why do you sound so calm, degenerate?!"

  "We shouldn't be arguing right now. This is what the mastermind wants after all," Rantaro interrupted.

  "Yeah... Rantaro's right. Arguing will only make things worse..." Shuichi said. Tenko crossed her arms and Kokichi was still glaring at her.

  "Yeah, sure... Instead we should be talking about who is going to sacrifice themselves so that the rest of us can survive," Kokichi said darkly.

  At that, the whole room went silent. Truthfully, most of them were thinking the same thing, they just didn't have the courage to say it. They were all asking themselves similar questions: Is Monokuma capable of killing us all? Is it really ok to sacrifice someone's life?! Who the hell can we even trust?!

  However, there was one person who wasn't thinking like that. Kaito was just thinking about how he could beat the shit out of the exisals and the mastermind.... he was also thinking about how much he hated this other purple-haired guy.

  "No way are we sacrificing anyone! No one is going to die here while I'm alive! Look, we can beat the mastermind, all we gotta do is find out who they are and knock em out cold!" Kaito shouted, breaking through the tension almost everyone in the room shared.

  "Y-Yeah.... Kaito's right, sort of. If we can find out who the mastermind is before the next 24 hours... then no one will have to die," Shuichi said.

  "Oh... humanity really is beautiful, isn't it?" Korekiyo said eerily, smiling under his mask. Everyone else either ignored his weird comment, or gave him nasty looks.

  "Um... yeah sure. Anyways, how are we supposed to just find out who the mastermind is?" Tsumugi asked Shuichi.

  "Yeah! You don't even have an actual plan, fuckface!" Miu shouted. "I vote we kill you!"

  "Hold on-! W-why me?!" Shuichi asked.

  "Cause you're fucking annoying and have a small dick!"

  "Wait a minute.... How would you know Shuichi's dick size?" Kokichi asked.

  "I mean look at him! It ain't hard to tell!" Miu replied, crossing her arms.

  "What's that supposed to mean?..." Shuichi mumbled, flustered.

  "Don't listen to this pig, Shuichi. She has no idea what she's talking about. Besides, I have like a super, super, super, super important question!" Kokichi said, bouncing up and down a little.

  "P-Pig?..." Miu said quietly, going all weird and sweaty.

  "Kokichi, what's your question?" Kaede asked, hoping but not expecting something useful.

  "Kiibo, do robots have dicks?"

  "Oh, wel- WAIT WHAT KIND OF QUESTION IS THAT?!" Kiibo exclaimed.

   "Actually, I'd like to know the answer as well!" Miu spoke up.

  "H-Huh?! This is robophobic! I won't accept this, and neither will my lawyer!" Kiibo said, extremely flustered.

  "Well if robots can have lawyers, then I assume they'd have dicks also," Kokichi mumbled.

  "Th-That's none of your business whether I have one or not-!" Kiibo squeaked.

"Maybe we should just stop talking about it, heh..." Shuichi said.

"Yeah! We should really be worrying about finding the mastermind instead!" Kaede added.

"Mhmm! Totally!" Kaito exclaimed.

  "Oh yeah... w-we should investigate today," Shuichi said, really just wanting an excuse to check the dust on the library's secret door.

  "That's not surprising to hear from the Ultimate Detective," Kirumi said, laughing a little.

  "That's such a good joke, Kirumi! You're so great!" Tenko shouted, laughing dramatically.

"I wasn't trying to make a joke?"

"Oh, um... Well you're still great!" Tenko shouted.

"Anyways, let's split up again and start investigating," Shuichi said.

"We're splitting up again?..." Kaede asked.

"Well we need to cover as much ground as possible in this short amount of time, right?"

"Yeah, I guess so."

"Ok, so are we just going on the same groups as last time?" Korekiyo asked.

"Um yeah, sure," Shuichi said.

"Ok! Then let's get going!" Tenko said.

"Alright. You all can decide where you're going to investigate, but Kokichi and I can take the basement."

"Huh? Why are you so keen on taking the basement, Shuichi?" Tsumugi asked, for some reason sounding a little bit nervous.

"No reason in particular, just the first place that came to mind," Shuichi lied, Kokichi was the only one to pick up on it, but he remained silent.

"Oh....ok," Tsumugi said.

  After that, everyone discussed where they would investigate and made their way to those areas.

  "So, now that we're alone, I need to ask you something," Kokichi said.

  "What is it?" Shuichi asked.

  "Why'd you lie to Tsumugi?"

  "You were able to see through that lie? Wow. Anyways, I lied to Tsumugi because I've already found pretty big evidence in the library."

  "Woah really?!... Wait, then why didn't you tell the others?"

  "Well, if one of them is the mastermind, then they'd get pretty scared if they knew I found something important to them. They would probably try to do something about it so we don't find out more information."

  "Spoken like a true detective," Kokichi mumbled.

  "What was that?" Shuichi asked.

  "Nothing. More importantly, if you're afraid that one of us is the mastermind, why are you letting me in on this? For all you know, I could be the mastermind!"

  At this, Shuichi blushed and became all flustered. "Oh um- I g-guess I don't have any concrete evidence to say you're not the mastermind but..."


  "B-But I just have a strong feeling that you're not. I feel like I can trust you... in some weird way..." Shuichi admitted.

  "Oh? Maybe that's just what I want you to believe! Maybe I'm just acting like this so that you will trust me!" Kokichi said.

  "If that's the case then... I guess I'll have to be the one to blame when we run out of time, huh?"

  With that, Kokichi stopped in his tracks, no one had ever put that much trust in him, even the other members of his "evil organization" were not that trusting of him. Kokichi didn't really know how to process that. He thought it was almost like this guy actually cared about him, but that couldn't be the case... right?

  Shuichi noticed that Kokichi had stopped and was staring at him. "Kokichi? Is something wrong?" he asked.

  Kokichi shook his head. He absolutely was not going to let this guy he barely even knew control his thoughts like that. "It's no big deal, let's continue!" he said, putting on a fake smile.

  In his mind though, all he could think about was what Shuichi has said to him. He was sure it was going to drive him mad.

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