Chapter 1

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I was standing outside the big entrance feeling excited and nervous. I saw a big school called the Academy of Darkblood Arts. It helps really talented magic users. It had tall towers and fancy gateways. The academy invited me quietly which made me feel it was meant to be. They promised
to give me guidance and answers. My emotions are mixed as I step into this significant institution, a feeling of both anticipation and apprehension.

I held my bag tight and took a big breath to calm down before starting my trip. I am a quiet person who finds comfort in reading and thinking privately. My special magic skill got me into a really good school, and I really want to do well there.

The big hallways were filled with quiet whispers from other students. They were hurrying past me, with their long clothes swaying. I looked at them with wonder and worry because I saw how capable they were. Initially, our plan was to defend the art of magic, but now I am affiliated with their troupe.

As I walked through the maze-like halls, I felt the burden of the academy's past on me. The walls were decorated with pictures of important wizards who seemed to be watching me as I walked. The air felt electric due to the echoes of old spells, and the smell of really old books mixed with the whispers of lost knowledge.

Finally, I got to the classroom I was supposed to go to. The students were starting to come in and sit down. I wanted to go sit in the back so that no one would notice me, but I knew that my talents and what I am capable of doing would show anyway.

The teacher came into the room, and his long clothes followed him gently. He seemed like he was in charge and I felt a bit scared around him. He said he was Professor Renard, a famous magician who knew a lot about many different types of magic.

The class started and I was learning about magic spells, potions, and theories. I enjoyed learning about magic and was good at it. I could learn difficult spells easily and my creations were really good.

Even though I was really good at something, it was hard for me to stand out and be heard among others who were also good. They enjoyed their friendship and shared laughs, creating unbreakable alliances. It felt like I couldn't fully join in with the other students.

On the first day, I did well in school and nobody understood much about me. This went on for a whole week. During my breaks, I went to the library to feel better. I would read really old books and magic that no one uses anymore. I discovered how great I can be during peaceful times alone.

I felt a strong connection to an old form of magic that had been quiet for a long time, but was now ready to come to life.

As the school day went on, I started to feel different inside. I felt a strong desire to embrace my own culture and show what I am capable of. I realized it was time for me to stop hiding and start discovering my past. It was time for me to make my own way in the magic world.

With new determination in my eyes, I promised to reveal my secrets and accept the fate that was waiting for me. The Academy of Darkblood Arts helped me change and become someone with many opportunities in the future. But I still can't find new friends because everyone thinks I'm very strange.

My mom believed that I was unique. I feel like I can communicate with animals and assist them, but I don't know why. I started to learn magic as a student, excited to discover new things, improve myself, and unlock my special abilities and let the show begin.


hi guys so here is the first chapter hope you enjoy it!

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