Chapter 30: Tatooine

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Luke and Leia were now 2o year old Jedi Knights. There was a new "team" that the Jedi council was sending to planet after planet to liberate slaves. The final planet was Tatooine, Anakin Skywalker's home planet. They had been once or twice when the children were young to visit his brother and his wife, but now the dream team was there to finally bring an end to slavery. The ship contained Ahsoka Tano, Leia Skywalker, Anakin Skywalker, Luke Skywalker, Obi Wan Kenobi, and Rex. The team was as close as close could be, and they were ready for their final battle against slavery, but first, they stopped at a small space port for food at a bar. Leia led the way in, and scanned the area for people that she thought might have information on slaves and slavers.
"Divide and conquer?" She asked Ahsoka, who nodded and informed the rest of the group. Leia walked toward a man, he looked like smuggler to Leia, who was sitting in a booth with a Wookiee, and talking to a Rodian. Ahsoka followed her, but suddenly stopped in her tracks.
"Chewbacca?" She said, loudly. Then blaster fire echoes through the room, and the Rodian lay against the wall, his head smoking.
"Chewbacca! It's me! Ahsoka!" She said, rushing toward the wookie. He excitedly spoke and ran toward her, hugging her in his giant bear arms.
"Hey lady not so loud! You want everyone in the system to know we're here?" The man said, pulling his Wookie friend down to the seat next to him.
"Now, who are you and how do you know Chewie?" The man asked, propping his legs up on the table.
"I am Jedi Master Tano, I helped Chewbacca and several other young kings escape captivity back when I was a padawan. And who are you?" She asked, with Leia glaring at the man.
"The names Han Solo, fastest pilot in the outer rim. And who is your pretty companion?"
"My name is Leia Skywalker, I am a Jedi knight and I will not be lowered to be catcalled by a smuggler." She said.
"I see we have a princess in our midst. Don't worry about me your highness. My interests don't lie in a snooty lightsaber wielding princess." He said, picking at his teeth.
"Why you stuck up, half witted, scruffy looking, nerf herder!" Leia said, then stormed away.
"I'm sorry, it was nice to see you again chewy." Ahsoka said, then ran after Leia.
"Who's scruffy looking?" Han said, turning to chewy.

"Welcome to Mos Espa everybody. My home town." Anakin said, glaring at the city. The team came and stood by Anakin, forming a line in either side of him.
"Today we move as a team, no splitting up, no dividing." Obi Wan said, putting a hand on Anakin's shoulder.
"Today we finally bring an end to slavery in the galaxy." Ahsoka said, "lets take this city down."

"Ahsoka! On your right!" Leia called, as she dispatched a slaver coming at her with a laser whip.
"Thanks Leia!" She said ducking a blaster bullet and deflecting it back at her attacker. Suddenly, an fleet of separatist tanks rolled into the courtyard they were fighting in.
"Leia!" Luke yelled, and she vaulted over the heads of their enemies to her brother. She grabbed his hand and together, they crushed the tanks into crumpled balls of metal.
"Yeah! Those are my kids!" Anakin yelled as he ripped a laser whip from someone's hand and tripped them with it.
"I can't believe dad says that everytime we do anything using our power." Luke said, rolling his eyes. Leia laughed, then deflected a bullet away from her brothers back.
"Hey princess!" Rex called from across the field, "up there!" He pointed. There was a sniper on the top of the tallest building firing at Ahsoka, Anakin, and Obi Wan as they took down a group of slavers. Luke ran to join him and kneeled next to their friend. Leia sprinted to them and then was lifted into the air. She flipped through the air, and then disappeared behind the building. Shortly following as a scream and a loud thud. Luke looked at Rex.
"They don't call us Skywalkers for nothing." He joked, Rex laughed and fired at an enemy behind Luke's head. Seconds later, Leia landed back next to them, but by then, the battle had been won.
"You guys didn't save any for me!" Leia exclaimed, faking disappointment. Luke grinned and threw an arm across his sisters shoulders.
"You remind me of someone." Obi Wan said as the three masters joined the group.
"Another city liberated." Anakin said, smiling at his family.
"Anakin? Anakin Skywalker? Is that you?" A man the same age as Anakin crawled around a building. He turned sharply and then yelled and hugged the man.
"Kitster! It's really you!" The man was the boy who Anakin had grown up with on Tatooine.
"I had given up hope my old friend! We thought you would never come! But here you are, and who are these people?" He asked.
"Kitster, these are my children, Leia and Luke. Remember the queens handmaiden who left with me?" Anakin said smugly.
"No way! She's way out of your league." He said, laughing and clapping his friend on the shoulder. Anakin agreed.
"This is Ahsoka Tano, my ex - padawan, Obi Wan Kenobi, Qui Gon's ec padawan, and my ex-master. And Rex, my clone captain turned one of my best friends." Anakin finished introducing the team.
"Anakin you really grew up and became a Jedi." Kitster said, "and you kept your promise to free the rest of us slaves." Anakin nodded.
"You're free now. Go explore and build a life for yourself free from slavery." He said, smiling at his friend.
"Thank you, Ani." Kitster said, then ran off.
"That was my friend who I grew up with in Tatooine." Anakin said, watching him go.
"You freed him dad, you brought balance to the galaxy." Luke looked up at his father.
"Just as the prophecy said you would." Obi Wan commented.
"It's finally over. Slavery is gone, and now it's our job to protect this new peace we have created." Ahsoka said. Anakin nodded.
"I think we should head back to Naboo. We have a coronation to attend." Obi Wan said, putting a hand on Leia's shoulder. She had been elected the new queen of Naboo, and her Coronation was the next day. The team had already moved into the lake house, Rex's wife and children included.
"Well then, let's get to Naboo." Rex said as the ship landed behind them.

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