Chapter 2

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I waited until it was exactly 8:30 p.m to climb out of my room window. The summer air was warm and humid so I didn't bother bringing a jacket. I grabbed my face mask and the sign that I was going to hold up at the protest. I quietly closed the window behind me and pulled out my phone and dialed a number.

"Maya where are you we're already here at the protest." My friend Marie spoke on the other line. "You're late!" She yelled over the loud protesters who were yelled a chant.

"I know I know I'm on my way." I spoke quickly as I struggled to get onto my bike. "Where will you be?" I asked as I petaled down the empty side walk.

"Me and Adrian will be in the fourth line from the police officers. We'll go to the front lines once you get here." She explained

"Okay I'll see you there!" I ended the called and tucked my phone into my back pocket. My bike rolled over something and started to wobble oddly.

"Shit!" I hissed under my breath once I realized that my tire had gone flat. I got off of my bike and hid it in a bush. It would be useless now anyway I'll just come back for it once the protest is over. I grabbed my sign and and jogged down the empty street. Everyone was either at home or at the protest.

After a while I got tired of jogging and just decided to walk quickly. Marie called again, but I didn't answer . I knew telling her about the bike would just make her and Adrian want to leave the protest and come looking for me.

I could take care of myself.

I looked at the time on my phone and it was 9:46 now. I was so late. I could hear the protesters chanting from a distance and that's when I knew I was close. I started jogging again and slowed down once I had seen the crowd.

"Rubber bullets!" Someone yelled as they shoved past me and I stumbled to the side.

"What?" I asked in confusion but no one seemed to hear me. Everyone started running in different directions. Someone people laid on top of others to protect them. The police were aiming their guns and firing at any and everything that moved.

"Oh no.." I trailed off when I thought about Marie and Adrian. If their still waiting for me they'll probably get hurt. It's not safe here anymore we need to leave.

"Marie! Adrian?!" I called out into the crowd but I didn't get a response.

"You need to leave." An officer yelled when he spotted me "clear the area it's past curfew!" He ordered

"I know but I'm here for my friends-"

"I said leave girl!" He yelled and fired the gun at my leg. The bullet simply brushed against my skin but it felt like fire.I felt my skin tear open. I screamed in pain  and fell to the floor. He fired another shot and my ears started ringing. The officer ran over to someone else and pointed his gun.

"Marie!" I called loudly even though I was pretty sure wherever she was she couldn't hear me. There were hundreds of protesters here.
" Adrian!" I called his name and got a reply.

"Marie?!" He yelled back somewhere in the crowd.

"No it's Maya!" I called from my spot on the grass. My leg was starting to bleed a little. I winced a I tried to drag it to a closed off area but people just kept jumping over me and running for the bullets. "I'm over here!"

"Run!" He yelled and I scrunched my eyebrows together in confusion. "The gas burns you!" Was the last thing I heard before I caught a fog looking cloud coming in my direction. At first I was confused and I didn't know what he meant by the gas burns. The gas was almost so close it almost touched my skin, but before it got the chance to strong arms lifted me up from off of the ground.

"Why aren't you running you stupid girl!" A husky low voice growled in my ear and my head spun. I was so disoriented I didn't even know what was happening at this point.

But I knew for a fact that the man holding me right now, was not Adrian.

"Who ..." I tried to speak but I just couldn't bring myself to.

"Don't worry I've got you." His deep voice was oddly comforting and the way his arms wrapped around me made me feel safe.

"It's Blue open the van." He spoke into some sort of walkie talkie and looked back down at me. He was wearing a mask.

"Copy that." A female voice spoke into the walkie talkie and my vision slowly blurred.

"I know.. you?" I spoke as I reached toward to touch his mask. It was smooth and cold. I traced my fingers along the seductively curved smile that had been painted on it. Curiousity got the best of me and I went to lift his mask and he grabbed my wrist.

"Stop." He ordered softly and placed my hand on my chest.

"You were on tv I saw.. I saw you-"

"No that was somebody else." He denied smoothly as we approached a white van. It was wide open and there was someone standing outside of it with their hand on the door handle.

"Blue what the fuck?" A girl with a similar mask spoke as we entered the van. He sat down in the backseat with me still in his arms.

"This was not a rescue mission we were simply supposed to write down badge numbers." The girl spoke.

"She needed my help okay." The guy snapped
"I wasn't just going to leave her there. She almost got tear gassed and her leg is hurt." He grabbed my leg softly where is was bleeding and I hissed.

"Sorry sorry." He mumbled "I'm going to need to cut your jeans okay? I'm not cutting them completely off I'm only cutting it to where I can fix your wound." He spoke and I shook my head.

"N-no I want to go to the hospital." I spoke still disoriented but the thought or some random person stitching me up scared me. "You might make it worse!"

"He won't make it worse. We're highly skilled in training for situations like this." The masked girl spoke "and we can take you to a hospital."

"Is this okay?" The masked guy asked and I nodded hesitantly as he took scissors and slowly cut up my pant leg. "I've done this before if it helps you feel better."

It didn't help me feel better.

"Thanks." I muttered

"Blue did you even think this through? We don't know where she lives or where we're going to drop her off. We have somewhere to be in half an hour." The driver was also masked but it was clear that he was a man.

"Grey shut up and drive." Blue growled quietly as he pulled out a first aid kit. I nearly jumped out of the window when I seen him holding a needle and thread.

"No it's okay you can just drop me off right here. I didn't see your faces or anything and I can honestly just walk back back home or something I-"

"Shut up please." He spoke smoothly and I blushed in embarrassment but the fear was still present. "Your skin will get infected if I don't close this up. This is the same thing any doctor would do. The more you run that little mouth of yours the longer this will take."

I didn't say anything after that I just gave them a nervous look.

"I can knock you out cold if you want?" The masked girl asked and Grey chuckled quietly.

"Scarlet stop." Blue ordered and she was quiet

"Do you want any pain killers before I do this?" He asked and I quickly shook my head.

"Good girl." He spoke on a slightly teasing manor and I blushed.

"it's not good to take drugs from strangers." He spoke

"But you're going to wish you had."

As soon as the needle pierced through my skin I screamed so loud they had to roll the windows up.

After a while a hand went up to my nose with a small black cloth and everything went black.

Laters baby😏

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