Chapter 13

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I jumped up out of my sleep gasping for air.

I looked around the room feeling slightly disoriented. I'm not sure what frightened me awake but it kind of sounded like Benjamin's voice.

"Benjamin..?" I croaked sleepily as I reached for him only to grab air. Of course.

I yawned and silently wondered if I should go back to sleep so I'd at least have an excuse to sleep in Benjamin's bed tonight. I kind of felt at peace sleeping in the same bed as him, even if it had been for a short while.

I liked having his arms around me when I went to sleep.

I felt safe.

The sun was long gone and the moon was brighter than ever. I pretty much slept my day away, so I might as well go back to sleep. There isn't much to do here anyway.

It was only then that I had noticed that there were no TVs here. Which meant no Netflix and no Vampire Diaries.

I wasn't allowed to have my phone back either since it was "A compromise waiting to happen" or at least that's what Benjamin said. I groaned in annoyance as I sat up and stared at nothing in particular.

What the hell was I suppose to do?

As if on cue my stomach growled and the sudden urge to eat several hamburgers overcame me.

"I guess I know what to do." I muttered as I slid out of bed. I blushed when I noticed that I didn't have any clothes on and blushed even harder when I remembered why that was.

Me and Benjamin just had sex.

I had sex with a criminal...

If my Mother knew about this she wouldn't let me hear the end of it. She would probably go on and on about how I was a disgrace on the family name and how she just wants what's best for me and bla bla bla.

A small laugh erupted from my mouth and I couldn't control it. My life was a circus and I was completely okay with it.

I grabbed the shirt that Benjamin had been wearing from off of the floor and shrugged it on. It stopped dangerously high and the beginning of my thighs. I had thought his shirt would be a little bit longer on me, but he was kind of slim so I guess this is the kind of clothes that slim guys wear. He was like a very attractive noodle.

I giggled at my thoughts and rubbed the sleepiness out of eyes as I made it to the kitchen. It was awfully quiet, in fact it was a little too quiet for my liking. It would be more bearable if they at least had a dog or something.

I opened up the fridge and scanned for anything I wanted to eat. To be clear I wanted to eat everything my eyes laid on, but most of it was either things that you had to cook or things that took longer that 60 seconds to prepare.

"Cereal it is." I clapped my hands together and reached for the milk.

"Ahem." I heard a deep voice clear their throat and I screamed.

When I turned around Grey was covering his ears and Benjamin was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed and a slightly unamused look.

"You've got some lungs on you." Grey commented "but I already knew that." He added smugly and I stared at him in confusion.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means that my shirt isn't a dress." Benjamin smirked as he looked me up and down and I blushed.

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