Chapter 3

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When I wake up my head is pounding and the room is spinning. I sit up on my elbow and squint my eyes at the sunlight that was shining through the silk curtains.

Curtains? Silk curtains?

That's when I knew that I wasn't in my room. I wasn't at home I was somewhere else. I quickly slid out of the bed and rushed to the window. It seemed to be some kind of motel. I went to reach for my back pocket only to find that my phone wasn't there. I quickly scanned the room and seen my phone laying on the nightstand with a glass of water and a note lying next to it.

I walked over to the note and seen a pill laying on top of it. I grabbed the note and unfolded it.

You're probably going to want to take that pain pill soon. I stitched you all up. You probably shouldn't go out to the protest tonight. You need to heal.

Sincerely, Anonymous <3

I stared at the note in silence as I searched for something. Anything. This guy had literally saved my life and probably saved me from getting arrested too and I had no idea who he was.... I didn't even get to say thank you.

I smiled a little once I noticed the small sloppy heart he had drew by his name.

My protest sign was sitting propped up against the wall and I grabbed it. I quickly swallowed the pill and drank the cup of water that was left for me. I grabbed my phone and pressed the power button.

I regretted doing so immediately.

I had 40 miss calls from mom

25 text messages from the group chat with me and Marie and about 15 voicemails from both of them.

I'm going to be in so much trouble..

I made sure I grabbed everything that I needed and quickly left the room. When I opened the door there was a woman leaning over the edge of the balcony with a cigarette in her hand.

"Hey um excuse me miss?" I spoke nervously and she looked at me.

"You're the girl from last night."she nodded before taking a long inhale and glowing smoke out of her nose "The drunk girl." She added when she saw the look of confusion on my face.

"I'm only 18 I'm not old enough to drink yet.."

"That's never stopped anyone before." She joked and laughed along nervously not wanting to seem rude.

"Yeah I just have a quick question did you see who brought me in here?" I asked and she gave me a weird look.

"You're telling me you don't remember that sexy ass man??" She spoke and I simply looked at her. "Did he drug you?" She asked in a more serious tone and I quickly shook my head.

"I'm n-no he didn't." I spoke half truthfully technically I was drugged but it wasn't for anything bad. Everything was pretty foggy after that. " I just don't remember what he looked like and I wanted to be able to find him again so I could maybe thank him." I explained

"Thank him? Ohh was he that good In bed?" The woman smiled in amusement and I blushed.

"N-no that's ... that not what this is about. We didn't do anything it wasn't like that-"

"No need to get so defensive hun."The woman smiled and I just gave up at that point.

"Please." I sighed just wanting a description

"Well he was tall." The woman shrugged and I stood there waiting for more of an explanation "he had a nose piercing, you know how you see kids these days with those little rings in their noses?"

Falling for Anonymous Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ