Part 8: The Steamy Smoke House

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*setting: a steamy smoke house but the kind where you cant even see because the smoke is too thick*
Romantic scene between jelly joe and the orphan girl, this is the only place and time they are allowed to meet. Much like romeo and juliet

I check my watch, i'm nervous. Joe is supposed to be here by now... im pacing, sweat beads on my brow. I hear his jinglemen jingling. I peek out, he musnt see me for that would be a sin. He steps into the steamy smokehouse, filled with mist and steam and smoke and mist. The smoke is so thick it chokes me and burns my eyes. The steam opens my porous nose. What fucking idiot would have us meet here. I can see him and he cant see me. I outstretch my arms in the hot, damp room searching for his warm embrace. "Have they been kind to *starts violently coughing* you" you nod. Wait he cant see you its too smokey. What idiot would let us meet here. Your captor pulls you away before you can finish your meeting. You smell of smoke and... the scent of the underside of a couch

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