Chapter 1

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"Paladins get in the control room eminently!" Coran's Voice on the speakers was really loud it woke Lance who was wearing headphones! All the paladins came to the control room as soon as possible.

"ah just in time. Me and Coran saw your performance and thought it could be better... so we though we should play an earth game called Truth or dare!" Allura couldn't contain her excitement.

"Come on were going to do it in the training room!" The paladins all followed Allura down the corridors of the castle until they reached the training room. Everyone sat down in a circle and the mice sat on the shoulder of Allura and she sat next to Shiro and Coran, Pidge sat next to hunk and Lance, Lance sat down next to Keith and Pidge, Keith sat next to Lance and Shiro, Shiro sat next to Keith and Allura, and Hunk sat next to Pidge and Coran.

"Okay Let's start. Lance Truth or dare?" Pidge said there grin growing wider and wider while waiting for an answer.

"Dare!" Lance yelled

"I dare you to do a double dare with Keith to see who can chug there cup of coffee faster!" Pidge said there grin twice as wide as what it was before. So Shiro got up to get two cups of coffee. ( I know some people put milk in there coffee but these coffees don't cuz in this fic Keith is lactose 'n tolerant so on with the story! ^u^ ) Shiro set the two cups down Infront of the two boys.

"3....2.....1 GO!" Pidge had stopwatch right hand and clicked the button. In seconds Keith coffee was gone. Lance had later in finishing his coffee.

"So Pidge who won?" Lance asked

"Keith won by seconds." Pidge said looking down at the watch. "Lance drank it in 5.7 milliseconds and Keith drank it in 2.3 milliseconds!" Pidge was astonished at how fast he drank it.

"how'd you do that?" Lance asked

"what do you mean?" Keith asked

"Drink it that fast? I mean it didn't taste that nice!" Lance asked. Keith just shrugged his shoulders. 


Um hi thanks for reading this chapter! enjoy your day night. Wherever you are in the world and stay safe for Covid-19!

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