Chapter 2

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The pain is what woke me, it was everywhere. It wasn't just one part of my arm, one part of my face, or even my leg. It was everywhere. Literally everything hurt. I deserved it though, I broke the rule. Never show you're special, always hide it. Storms don't just pop up in Southern California like this. Let alone snow. That's what got me in trouble. I sat up and instantly regretted it, the room tilted like a fun house mirror and everything distorted. My breathing became labored and I felt my head was going to explode. I turned to the side and threw up-or well tried to. In order to throw up, you have to have something in your stomach. Why didn't I eat today? I instead spent the next few moments dry heaving, making horrible demonic noises, and wondering why I didn't eat.
When I was done, my head didn't feel any better but I sighed and breathed through the pain to take inventory. My father had been thorough, I stretched my arm and winced. Damn, pretty sure that's broken. It just healed, I sighed and took a deep breath but paused when my chest screamed at me. Ok, that's probably a broken rib....... or two. Great, I forced myself to stand and went to the bathroom attached to my bedroom.
Darrel Yamada, the man I called my father, if nothing else was very thorough. He definitely got his point across as to why it was bad to show that I was different. Even if, ya know, no one knew it was you. I cleaned up my face and went back to my bedroom to ponder what I was going to do. It was already 430 am I had some time to go back to sleep before school. Though, I'd have to spend a significant amount of time covering the bruises. Or coming up with a story as to how I got them. That was another part of the punishment, if I'd just been good I wouldn't have to be a liar. Though, I'd better be a good one because if he got called away from work to answer ridiculous questions, I'd have even worse ones tomorrow.
I shivered, well guess it's time to get up and blend the morning away. I stood slowly and went for my makeup/first aid bag. I'd had it in my room since as long as I could remember, as I passed the window something caught my eye. It can't be, I thought. Following me at school was one thing- but at home? Come on, sure enough it was. The same figure from school, and the library, they were now walking away from my window.
Enough I thought firmly surprising myself. Before I knew it, I was shoving my feet into shoes and popping the screen off my window. Just a quick one two movement and I was out the window, I opened the fence and shut it quietly behind me before turning to look for them. The weather had turned cool in the fall air. I could see my breath as it puffed out before me and the cold air brought stinging to my face. I winced but still I looked around for this person.
Who are you? Why are you following me, I saw a flicker of movement down by the end of the driveway in between the cars and that's when I made the decision. I bolted after them, faster than my body could calculate how much it was going to hurt moving quickly in the cold. It didn't take long but man- did it hurt. I was around and then between the cars in an instant, the person was stopped just at the end of them. Still in the driveway, still concealed by the cars. They were just standing- waiting. My breathing was labored and I was gasping in cold stabbing breaths of pain but I managed to get out "who are you?"
It was almost as if they were deciding what to do: answer or flee. I could see the indecision in the way they stood, one foot slightly in front of the other their body poised for a split second decision. And then, nothing. Everything about them went calm. My breathing slowed to a normal rate, it probably only took a moment but in the silent space that separated us, it felt like hours. When it did, they turned around to face me. I noticed two things instantly. First being it was a boy- no a man, probably early twenties. He was tall and slim with pale skin that looked like he almost never went in the sun- ever. His hair was a shocking mop of red that was too dark to be natural but too light to be boxed, he wore all black- black hoodie, black skinny jeans- his hands were in the pocket on the hoodie, and his shoes were purple and white converse.
Secondly, I almost instantly knew that I didn't know him. He was a stranger. "Who are you," I ask again my voice carried a demanding tone and I felt shocked at my boldness. He looked at me now and I was almost shocked to see that there was no emotion as he looked at me. His face was a perfect blank mask. He opened his mouth as if to speak but closed it again quickly, my body ached and my face throbbed. Suddenly, I realized coming out here alone with no plan of attack or protection was pretty stupid. My body sagged and I felt it, no no no not like this, please I begged but apparently my prayer landed on deaf ears.
My body had had enough, the adrenaline that coursed through me when I made the decision to give chase to this stranger was long since burned through. I leaned into my dads truck and watched as the stranger cocked his head to the side as if confused. Just as I fell, my legs no longer able to support me, he moved. His hand was around my waist in an instant, one hand around my waist the other braced on the truck. He was leaning over and that's when I saw his eyes, they were a deep blue color ringed with full beautiful black lashes.
His mouth was slightly open and he had a look of shock and worry on his face, his hair had moved forward now and it framed his face.
"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean-" he helps steady me and steps back from me. I leaned against the truck now and felt as my breathing calmed down, he was just watching me. His hands were back in the pocket of his jacket now and he looked tense but oddly he looked at ease. His voice was like nothing I'd heard before. It was almost raspy but not in a bad nail on chalk board way it was almost reassuring.
Stop it, I ordered my thoughts he's a stalker. Do not start looking at him or thinking about that voice. He was looking at me still with big open eyes and I finally found my voice again, "who are you?" He smiled slightly, it was just a twitch of the lips but I could tell it was a natural expression for him. "My name is Kai. Kai Soto, I'm a friend."
I scoffed, "a friend? I don't even know you! You've been stalking me since yesterday- what do you want, to murder me or something?" His eyebrows knitted together and I felt my anger lighten a little "murder you?" He asked and looked me up and down slowly, "I don't think you're too far off from that now, are you? Would you even be mad if I were here to kill you?" I winced as he asked and I instantly saw the anger in his eyes turn to regret, "hey I'm sorry. I'm- I'm not like that. I'm sorry. I- I want to help you, if you'll let me."
I took a step back from him shocked, "you want to help me? With what?" At that, he looked at me incredulously he put his hand to his chin and I could tell he was trying to think of a way to not come off as condescending. "How'd you get those bruises?" He asked calmly. I gasped in shock at his bluntness and looked at him but something wasn't right. He hadn't moved at all, let alone spoke so- how? "What?" I say quietly just as someone stepped behind him, he didn't move to look at the newcomer, but I could tell from his expression he already knew them, "Davi," was all he said.
In his tone was exasperation but his face was calm and cool. The newcomer nodded once to his name but didn't otherwise say anything, he had pitch black hair that was spiky and wore what Mikey described to me once as the 'goth look.'
He had black skinny, skater jeans, black skater shoes, a t shirt for a band I'd never heard of, bracelets decorated his arms for various shows or bands, and a black leather looking jacket. He was kind of good looking, his voice was the opposite of the first guys-Kais'- whereas Kais' voice had been almost raspy this guys voice was like velvet.
"Take a picture sweetheart, it'll last longer," he dropped a wink at the end and I found myself trying to focus on anything other than these two. "Honestly, Davi, I told you to wait in the car. Besides it's rude to jus-" he stopped mid sentence and looked behind me at the house. My skin began to prickle and I knew something was wrong, ok a lot was wrong. My mind was betraying me now, I felt safer with these random strangers outside discussing whatever than the thought of going inside. Just then I heard it, my father. He was in the garage the light had come on, I could see it through the windows on top of the garage door.
I stood as still as a statue not daring to breathe for fear he'd hear me. After what felt like hours, the light turned off and I heard the door to the house open and close signaling his retreat. I breathed out a sigh of relief and felt a tear run down my face.
I felt a presence just behind me and knew it was him, Kai. He'd come closer not close enough to touch me but close enough to show solidarity and compassion. I bit my lip and turned back, I was right, just arms length away now stood Kai. He looked sad but didn't otherwise move so as not to crowd me, Davi on the other hand, hadn't moved.
I met his eyes and saw the challenge in them, I bit my lip and flinched away and out of the corner of my eye I saw him shake his head. "If you can't even meet
my gaze how do you expect us to believe that you have what it takes? Kai, this is a lost cause. Let's go." He turned and started walking away and I knew this was it, I had to do something. I took a deep breath and for the first time in my life, I swallowed my fear. "How'd you get the scar?" I say and force myself to look Davi straight in the eye as he turned back. He smirked, looked me up and down lazily, and I instantly regretted my question. The boldness I'd felt just moments ago slowly evaporated and disappeared completely now and as he opened his mouth I wished the ground would swallow me up.
"How'd you get the bruises and," he pauses looking at my arm and the way I was holding myself and I felt myself wince.
"I'm pretty sure that's a broken arm and possibly broken ribs-" he sighs "here," he says and steps forward. As he steps forward I try to step back but suddenly his hand is behind me. He does some weird thing, he puts his hand on my chest and my eyes widen in shock "trust me, it's not like that kiddo," he says with a wink. That's when I feel it, I grunt in pain as the breath is knocked out of me and I feel his other hand as it rests on my lower back to keep me upright. There was a loud krack that went through my chest and my mind and I find myself gasping. He steadies me a moment longer before stepping back again.
"What the hell was that?" I ask holding my chest, I move slowly and do a quick inventory of my body and realize something, my chest doesn't hurt. Kai sighs, "Davi- honestly? Perhaps a little more warning?" He rolls his eyes and I straighten up, "what did you do?" I ask and Davi leans back uninterested, he has his hands in his pockets and just looks bored with the world. I look to Kai who sighs again, "it's- a long story. But-" Davi steps up and interjects again, "we need to know more about you. Nothing is given for free, ya know. So, you wanna know about my scar?" He says pointing to his left cheek, it's nothing huge but it is certainly prominent.
It doesn't take away from his looks though, if anything it adds to them. At my nod, he smirks again, "answer me and I'll answer you. How'd you get those bruises and broken bones?"
I grimaced and heard distantly behind me small thuds, he looks at the house and back at me "might wanna answer quickly. That doesn't sound good," I frown and turn back to the house trying to gauge what he was saying. "Is there something you normally do, the morning after something like this, that you're- I don't know- not doing right now?" I feel as fear runs through my blood my body starts to shake and my eyes widen as I look at the house oh my god "breakfast."
I say it quietly and turn back to them, Davi was already walking away- for real this time. Kai was standing just where he had been his expression was sad. "You need to make a choice-now or never, sweetheart. But, if you make this choice it's all or nothing. You either come with us or-" he leaves the sentence hanging and I nod showing I understand. "If we leave and you stay I'm sorry but you won't find us, we move around a lot. If you come with, there's no looking back, and we can't bring anyone." I close my eyes sadly and instantly see my sister in my minds eye.
Just then I hear it, the front door slam open, "TSU," it was my father- and he was mad. "Where are you, you stupid little girl? Where's my breakfast?!" He was coming down the path now just as Davi pulled up in one of those commercial vans. Kai turned back to me and I felt as though I was rooted to the spot, my breathing was coming fast now and I was glad for whatever Davi had done. My chest no longer hurt and I didn't feel like I was about to pass out. He was getting closer now, I ducked down between the cars to buy me some time. Kai turned and looked at me he held out his hand but I couldn't move. I'd seen just a glimpse of my father and I knew I was done for. He wasn't even going to wait to take me inside, he'd just beat me out here.
Kai had a look of immense sadness and I heard Davi calling to him now, they were running out of time. Because of me, they're going to get in trouble- they're going to be arrested because of me. "TSU, " he was right on the other side of the truck now, that's when it happened.
My body unfroze, I felt my body make the decision before my mind had the chance to . I lurched towards Kai who's eyes widened fractionally but his reaction time was impressive, he grabbed me and turned towards the van all at once.
"Where are you going?! You can't leave us Tsu, WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!" My fathers voice was filled with rage he was on the verge of snapping, Kai slammed open the door to the van and all but threw me in.
He jumped and shoved me further in slamming the door, "go Davi, go! What are you waiting for?!" The tires squealed and we pealed out. The car jerked this way and that as Davi put the pedal to the metal and then we were off. Kai slammed the door shut and as he did, I heard a frantic "TSU, no!" It was my sister. She'd come out, she never came out after my father did. She always hid from him but now- she was devastated.
But under that, I heard something else- someone else. But, who? No one cared about me. No one except these two. Kai moved away from the door and turned to the front he was standing leaning forward between the two seats talking to Davi.
I sat up, I was in a chair. There were two of them back here, a type of small walkway to get through to the bench seat in the back, and an open back. I grimaced as I did and Kai turned back to me, his eyes were almost wild but as he took me in he visibly calmed down.
He tapped Davi's shoulder, "you know where to go," he said as Davi turned out onto one of the main streets. His speed had evened out and he kept glancing in the mirror, he nodded once but said nothing. "I'm sorry about that, I didn't mean to be so forceful with you. Are you ok?" Kai was kneeling in front of me now. He held out his hands to me and slowly took my right arm in his hands.
I bit my lip as he looked it over and eventually moved up my arm to my shoulder, he took my chin and turned my head this way and that. He kept sighing as he did, eventually he must've decided I was ok enough because he sat back. He was on the floor still and I was sitting in the chair now instead of awkwardly laying all over it.
I nod once and I feel my eyes fill with tears as I do, his eyes widen "wh-what's wrong? Are you hurt?" Davi glances at me in the mirror but focuses on the road. "I'm Sorry I- I just, it's just- I left. What am I going to do?" I felt as the panic started to grow in my chest I couldn't breathe, my breath was coming in as shallow little pants now.
I put my head in my hands and tried to force myself to calm before I angered them. Calm, come on calm down we can do this. I felt a hand on my right shoulder and then it went across my back and suddenly I was pulled into a hug. I gasped as he did it and froze in shock.
He put his hand on the back of my head and slowly rubbed my back with his other, "shhhh. It's ok, alright? I know you're in shock right now, and I know it's scary, but I promise you- we're here for you ok? We're gonna help you become the woman you want to and can be."
With that, I lost it. I felt all the tears I'd forced myself to hold back over the past day and even years slowly come out. Suddenly I was sobbing as he held me, I'd never been able to cry like this with complete hopeless abandon. I'd been forced to hold it in and if I did show signs of crying, it would be made very apparent that it would be in my best interest to stop. After a few moments, I felt the sobs stop and turn into small hiccups before I stopped completely. Kai didn't move away though, he sat there with his arms around me. In his arms I felt safe. I didn't really know him, but I felt as though I could trust him.
After a minute I sighed and felt him lighten his grip as he leaned back.
His eyes were kind and as he moved his hand up to my face I felt myself flinch. His eyes filled with sadness and his hand froze in midair. "Sorry to break up the love fest, but am I getting on the freeway or just backroads?" It was Davi, Kai turned slowly and spoke in Davi's ear he nodded and eased the car onto what must've been the highway because we gained speed.
Kai turned back to me, "oh- your seatbelt, I'm sorry." He reached next to me and pulled it down and around me , "focus on calming yourself and your mind, I'm going to move up front with Davi. If you need anything just ask, ok?" I nodded and with that, he hopped the center console and was in the front seat. I watched as, slowly, my town disappeared around me.
It didn't take very long before we turned off the highway and I noticed big empty office buildings around us. We went around the back of one, it was a plain white building with some windows, not many, and there was some half covered graffiti on the side of it. The building was as plain as every other one around it and I felt my heart-beat pick up a little, who are these guys? Did I just stupidly let myself get kidnapped? The answer: yes. No, I can't think like that. Focus, I forced myself to look around as Davi pulled around the back of the building. There  was a giant version of a garage door on the back and he apparently had a switch cause as we got close it opened, motion sensor?
As we pulled in, Kai jumped out and left us. There was an older woman coming towards him and I felt my face form the question mark I had been thinking. Davi didn't move, he just sat with one hand on the wheel and the other was helping support his resting head. He looked in the mirror and I saw as his gaze flicked to me and left but he brought it right back, "ya know," he said "your face looks exactly like a question mark right now. If you have a question, it's ok to ask."
I dropped my gaze to my lap and I practically felt his eye roll, the door opened and Kai was there. He had a big smile on his face and held out his hand to me, "come on let's getcha cleaned up and fed, k?" I nodded and fumbled my seatbelt off trying to hide the pain that was now emanating from my right arm. He helped me out of the van and we walked to the older lady I'd seen when we came in, she had white hair that curled and sat close to her head, her skin was wrinkly from years of smiles and laughs, and her walk had a slight limp to it.
She smiled as she got to us and Kai hugged her again, "Tsu this is Dorris, she's the sweetest woman alive and she helps keep our books straight." He said with a wink to the woman who scoffed, "oh shut up Kai. Sweetheart, you can call me grandma, just as the boys do. It's good to see them bring in a girl, especially a pretty one such as yourself." She put her hand on the side of my face and smiled at me, "now go get her treated and I'll make her some dinner, and Kai if I hear this girl is hurt in any way I'm going to punch you."
He chuckled and nodded, "mam," he said and dropped a quick bow. She headed towards the way she came and Kai motioned for me to follow him. We walked towards a door in the wall, it was a plain white door that almost blended into the wall itself and I wouldn't have really noticed it if not for him. He nudged it forward and through the door I saw a hallway with doors on either side. It was like an office building but the drywall was showing through still, "what are these rooms?" I couldn't help it, my curiosity got the better of me and the question was out before I could stop myself.
He chuckled at me and I could tell he was completely at ease, he walked with complete confidence down the hall. "These are- hmm." He said thinking, "some are like conference rooms, some are training rooms to help hone our skills with our powers, and some-" he said coming to one door with a Red Cross on it. "Some are medic rooms. Your stop, ma lady, I'll be waiting right here for you, k?"
I nodded and tried to show only confidence but my mind was screaming and I felt like crying. This is so much. I can do this, it's just a medic. I walked through the door and noticed it looked like a regular doctors office.
I breathed a sigh of relief, there was a second door ahead of me and seeing no one else around me I decided to go through it. My body was screaming at me now, every movement I made I felt closer and closer to passing out.
"I was wondering when you'd finally get in here, sit down." My eyes widened when I saw him, "Davi? What are you doing here?" I asked confusion lining my words. "Are you seeing the medic too?" He turned and rolled his eyes "I am the medic, dodo. Now, sit." I did as he said quickly and quietly and watched him instead of my hands for once. He looked calm and confident walking around the room,
grabbing things from drawers and cupboards. His jacket swished behind him as he did, it was a doctors coat but in his signature black.
He grimaced and muttered under his breath and put bottles back before finding the right ones, "what," he asked, catching me off guard. "I can feel you staring," I laughed and he turned around, "is that your power? Cause it's got to be something medical or the power to sense someone staring." He chuckled but I could see the tension in his shoulders, there was a knock at the door and Kai came in. "Hey how are we doing? You ok?" He added when he saw Davi's tension, instantly though it smoothed and he relaxed. "I asked him what his power was, I think I overstepped. I-I'm sorry too," Davi came over and gave me a cup with medicine in it I took it and drank it in stride.
He went back to the counter and leaned against it for a moment studying me, "I'll answer your question with a question," he said and looked me up and down. I nodded once and he smirked, "when did you last eat?" My eyes widened and I coughed slightly but he didn't look away. "I-um, what?" He leaned back further onto the counter and looked smug, "your diet is a strange question but I need to know. The medicine I gave you is diet based so I need to know you won't throw up in like the next ten minutes." I frowned, "I- uh." I paused thinking. It hadn't been that long, had it? No I ate lun- no I didn't. I didn't have money. "Yesterday? I think." He rolled his eyes now.
"Eat," he said and handed me a protein bar. I grimaced but took it and slowly started to eat. It tasted awful, I feel like it wanted to be strawberry flavored but it definitely wasn't. I choked it down and felt my stomach untighten just a little. Huh, guess I was hungry.
Davi looked almost impressed, almost. He moved to me now, "how you feeling?" I looked to him confused and felt my body was almost sluggish now, "wh-what did you do to me?" Kai held his hands out as Davi reached for my arm "I gave you medicine to numb you so I can do this-" he said as he took my right arm and quickly twisted it fast and hard. My eyes widened and I feared they'd bug out of my head, there was a loud crack sound.
"Almost," he said almost grunting. Kai turned slightly pale but kept a hand steady on my other shoulder while Davi worked. He put my arm flat on the table and leaned into it for another crack. My arm tingled and I felt like I was going to be sick from the sound. I looked to Kai and saw he was looking at my arm almost amazed, "you did that quickly, sorry for the shock Tsu. You see, Davi is the unofficial- official medic of the team. He gave you medicine to calm you as well as numb you so that he didn't hurt you. We saw how much it hurt to have your ribs reset - honestly it would hurt anyone- so he decided to give you the medicine. The side effects wear off fairly quick and the medicine is from Doris she's perfected it so now your injuries should be gone by the end of the day. Her gift is medical. Davi's is-" he said trailing off and looked at Davi.
He was putting things away now, he turned and leaned back against the counter again with his arms crossed over his chest. He looked intense for lack of better word. The white of the room against his black visage was pretty intimidating but he looked lost in thought.
"No, when you need to know you'll know." He said it crisp and clearly as though he were just trying to be done with the conversation. My mouth dropped open and I looked to Kai who frowned but ultimately looked like he respected his friends wishes to not speak. "I have the medical background because I was an emt right out of high school, I did that for a year before I decided to go into the medical field and started applying to colleges and got taken pretty quickly. Somethings happened that I'm not gonna say. Long story short, Doris came along, she helped heal me and taught me more in depth medical things and trained me. She's the nurse I'm the doctor, sometimes we switch." His voice dropped and he winked at me.
With that, he spun back to the counter and went back to putting his supplies away. I shook my head and looked to Kai who was laughing, "he's kidding, she'd never let him be the nurse. He doesn't have the legs for it. Anyways, questions?" I frowned i guess he'll tell me eventually, I moved my arm and felt that the stiffness had gone and it didn't hurt anymore "wow, that's incredible! I can move it, you guys really are amazing."
He held his hand out to me and again I took it, "I wanna show you your room. If you'd like, we can work on your powers later." Davi scoffed and I frowned, "what?" He gave us a little push through the door, "shoo I got stuff to do."
With that, he shut the door just behind us and I felt the wind go by in a gust. "Wow, that was forceful." Kai shrugged, "he just doesn't like wasting time, if he doesn't have to. So you've heard small parts of his story, I'm sure he'll tell you the rest when he's ready." I chuckled to myself, "oh yea totally. Maybe after he tells me that we'll wind up braiding each others hair."
Kai chuckled "never know. He is full of surprises."
We got to another door in the hall it turned out to be a stairwell, we went up two flights and opened the door at the top. We went to the first door on the right and inside was a plain bedroom. One full sized bed one brown dresser and one nightstand with a lamp, "it's not much but, we can get some things if you'd like to make it more homey."
I walk in the room feeling a little dazed it was so plain, so bare, "so mine." I say as he sits on the bed he watches me as I walk around looking at and touching everything. "Thank you!" I say and leap to him his eyes widen a half second before I crash into him on the bed and as I do we slide and hit the wall. He laughs out loud now and lays back on the pillow, I smile up at him and lay there beside him. "So, I take it you like the bare decor?"
I smile at him, "it's perfect!" I throw my arm over him and hug him tightly again and we lay in silence for a moment. I look up at him and find myself speaking before I can process my thoughts, "what's your power?" I ask, he looks down and opens his mouth to speak just as I hear a knock on the door. "Are you ok, I heard a th- oh."it was Davi, I look up and see him lean in the doorframe with a smirk on his face, "getting awfully cozy there huh, boss?"
Kai sits up slowly and laughs, "what can I say?" I sit up next to him smiling and he puts his arm around my shoulders. "Come on Davi, it's story time," I feel my smile turning into confusion but Davi surprises me and sits at the foot of the bed. He slides up and leans against the wall looking at us and raises a brow.
Kai clears his throat, "so you asked what my power is? I'm gonna wait on that story just a day or so. I don't want to overwhelm you. But I can tell you what we do here, why we're here if you'd like?" At that, I nod and he smiles "all right get ready, it's a doozy."

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