02: What a Loft

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     After a restful night's sleep, Jorund begins to stir. His body still aches slightly from the beating he had suffered from a week ago, his body trying to tell him to rest a bit longer. Being wrapped in something soft and silky only encourages this. He wants nothing more than to roll over and fall back asleep so that he can finish the dream he was having; the details of it already beginning to fade but he is sure that his mind will pick back up on it.

     The sound of a frying pan sizzling reaches his ears, and apparently his stomach as well as it begins to pester him for something to eat. Knowing that this is a fight that he is going to lose, he submits and opens his eyes, being greeted by the sight of a dark brown canvas that is surrounding him.

     Jorund begins to struggle, fully unaware of where he is at. But every attempt he makes go move is met with resistance, his body wrapped with what appears to be long, black hair. His mind is panicking, trying to make sense of the situation he is in. Looking up, he sees an opening. Outside he sees a large face looking down at him smiling. Her sapphire eyes catching his attention as they are a beautiful feature. "Good morning, Jorund. I was afraid that you were going to sleep all day today."

     He begins to calm down, remembering yesterday's events. Her beautiful face is the first thing he saw when he opened his eyes after being beaten unconscious. How Florence told him she had taken care of him for an entire week. Asking him to bond with her, which is the equivalent of being married from what he can understand. He looks down at his chest, seeing the medallion that hangs from the necklace she had given him, a reminder of how he had said yes. Wrapping her hair around him as they went to bed, apparently something all lofts do with their vulns, what they call humans.

     Looking up at the loft, he feels that he has no regrets about bonding with her. He can't help but wonder how he fell in love with her so quickly.

     She is a very beautiful woman, her eyes being one feature he can't help but stare into; a beautiful shade of blue which changes depending on how the light hits them. From how she says that she cared for him and the smile which she has on her face, he can tell that she is sweet and loving and genuinely does care for him. He will admit that he has fallen for her and wants nothing more than to spend the rest of his days with her. "Good morning," he replies with a smile.

     Managing to free his arms from the soft locks which are wrapped around him, Jorund tries to stand upright; an easier task said than done. The fabric is moving beneath him, proving to make for unreliable footing. After several attempts he begins to hear giggling from above him. "Here," Florence says as she reaches into the space where he is confined, "let me help you."

     He watches as her fingers come in through the opening and heading for him. Looking at them he can see just how long they are. Even though her longest finger isn't even half the length of his body it is still sizeable. His first instinct is to back away, to recoil at the sight of something so large coming for him. He only relaxes because he remembers that she has no intention of harming him, allowing the large digits to come close to him. Her fingers begin to wrap themselves around his body, four of her fingers easily covering his torso and a portion of his legs. They begin to tighten around him, too tight for his liking but not painful, before he is lifted out and towards the giant woman's face.

     Looking down he can see that she kept him inside of her pocket, which explains his surroundings when he first woke up. He must have been in a deep sleep for her to move him from the comfort of her breasts to her pocket without him being disturbed. The pocket his located near her breasts, which explains why the area was so soft behind him.

      Brought up to her face, Jorund can see how she is smiling at him, just like a newlywed would stare at their spouse; he can only imagine that he is similarly staring at her. Looking into her eyes, he can easily see his reflection in them. His attention does not stay focused on her pupils for long when the giant woman begins to lower him and bring him close to her puckered lips.

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