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Nya: how did the trial go?
Jay: better than expected.
Lloyd: that's good news.
Jay: I got a fine.
Zane: why is that?
Jay: because I didn't actually do anything.
Nya: makes sense!
The Boss: there is a valuable lesson to be learned here.
If you attempt to disobey the law you will be punished.
Jay: the fine is 2oo pound's
Lloyd: that's the same amount as the suite we failed to buy cost!
Kai: I blame Cole.
Nya: I thought you were kicked out of the chat!
Kai has been kicked from the chat
Lloyd: digital high-five!
Zane: that makes no sense.
Jay: I actually agree with Kai.
Kai has been added to the chat
Kai has been kicked from the chat
Kai has been added to the chat
Kai has been kicked from the chat
Jay: I'll stop now.
Nya: you had better.
Zane: why did you want to break the law?
Jay: I was bored of lockdown and wanted to do something.
Kai: and ghosty was going to help.
Kai was killed from the chat.
Zane: killed?
Kai: nope.
Lloyd, Zane, nya, the boss and Jay were kicked from the chat.
Kai: now only I remain!😈😈
Cole: sure but you forgot me, bad hair, hothead, miniscule brain.
Kai was kicked from the chat.
Cole: ha ha!😎

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