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Jay: Wake up!

Cole: it's half three!

Jay: help!


Lloyd: I'm coming straight away

Zane: why are you texting Cole, you share a room

Cole: he isn't in danger

The boss: he is now! Along with the rest of you😈

Zane: not fair

Lloyd: not fair😠

Cole: oldie

Jay: not fair

Nya: not fair 😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠      😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠

The boss: someone has too clean the destinies bounty!


Nya: that was tiring

Kai: can you remind me why we had to do that?

Cole: we all texted each other at half past three.

Kai: but I wasn't there!

Lloyd: wu doesn't care.

Jay: who wants to play a game?

Zane: we have nothing better to do.

Jay: let's play tell the truth!

Cole: oh 歴史

Cole: Why is that in Japanese?

Lloyd: because this is a child friendly chat.

Jay: I'll be it!

Zane: fine.

Jay: What is the most embarrassing thing you have ever done?

Zane: when I kissed a random girl on the street with pixel watching because I Thought it was her.

Lloyd: when I tried to jump of the destinies bounty but failed to form my dragon.

Nya: when I got punched in the face by someone and fell into the newt tank.

Kai: when I was getting dressed and nya walked in with Skylor.

Cole: when I failed to do the triple tiger sachet on stage.

Jay: Cole loses!

Cole: oh man!

Nya: wash my clothes!

Kai: buy me more hair gel!

Lloyd: punch Jay in the face!

Zane: pick some flowers and give them to a random girl on the street

Jay: visit my parents!

Cole: Nya I can't get wet, Zane it's winter so there aren't any flowers, Lloyd sounds good, Kai as long as it's from your bank account and Jay I will if you will!

Nya: do it all!

Cole: nope!

Nya has used the virtual Slap

Cole: that hurt!

Nya: do it all!

Nya has used the virtual Punch

Cole: ahhhh!

Nya: do it.😡

Cole: yes I'm going now!

Cole has left the char

Jay: how do you use the virtual Slap and punch?

Nya: there is a button

Jay has used the virtual Punch

Kai: owwwww!!!

Kai has used the virtual Slap

Lloyd: ooooooofffffff!

Zane has fled from the chat

Nya has used the virtual Punch

Lloyd has left the chat

Everyone has left the chat

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