annoying Wu

89 4 0

Jay: phew! No one else to annoy.

Lloyd: how about we text somebody who isn't a ninja.

Cole: Skylor?

Zane: Dawn?

Nya: Sensi?

Kai: It's sensei's turn

A chAt

Jay: wog nog polyog

Cole: ush eush polyush

Lloyd: houm zoum polyoum

Zane: piy jiy polyiy

Kai: yuk ayuk polyyuk

Nya: foarm goarm polyoarm

Wu: what's happening! Is that secret code

Cole: bonga bonga

Lloyd: oooh oooh

Nya: faterth faterth

Zane: fœad fœad

Kai: sohot sohot

Jay: bequeath bequeath

Wu: hmmmm

Wu has left the chat

Everyone has left the chat


Nya: sensei has turned off his phone

Cole: 二天 why did none of us think of that!

Lloyd: because we don't have a age enhanced brain

Everyone has left the chat

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