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Nya: hey! Guys! Want to bake a cake!?

Jay: sure!😁

Lloyd: no thanks I have a prior appointment.

Zane: no.

Cole: I would but there is a problem....

Jay: come on spill it

Cole: we are in lockdown.😶

Nya: if the protesters can break lockdown why can't we?

Cole: I"ll be right there

The boss: I just read the conversation and if you follow that logic..

Nya: but I need to bake a cake.

The boss: it can wait.

Nya has grumpily left the chat

Cole: I am in a different realm.

The boss: why are you there? Come anyway.

The boss: actually you are at nyas house anyway.

Cole has left the chat

Jay: The dough will explode!

The boss: LOL why does Cole have the bad cooking reputation?
Come to training.

Jay has left the chat

Lloyd: Sensi never says LOL kai.

The boss: dang it.

Zane: my calculations show that when Cole, Jay and Nya come you have a 15% chance of death.

The boss has left the chat.
Everyone has left the chat.

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