Chapter 2: Enable

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The parents rushed to their daughters room only to stop and stare as they saw her scream bloody murder.

Sakura was tussling and turning with violence against herself, tightly scratching at her neck.

Mebuki ran towards her daughter, roughly grabbing her hands to stop her from choking herself only to be pushed back by her daughter's scrawny arms.

"Sakura! Honey your having a nightmare, Wake up! Sakura! It's okay!" Mebuki relentless words kept charging at Sakura but it had no end. Sakura kept picking at her neck than her side, like she was stabbed.

Her father was now on her side, waking her up to no avail. Their desperateness caused Mebuki tears to drown down. Her father was getting teary as well. What was happening? Why is their daughter screaming?

"..STop-p....P-please...!" Sakura trembled. Mebuki tugged her tightly, sobbing on the side.

"Kizashi! What is happening to our baby?!" Kizashi avoided his wife's watery eyes, clearly disturbed as she was.

"...Don't-t ...touch-h... ME!"

"Sakura tell us what's wrong? Tell us! Wake up! WAKE UP!!!"

Sakura gasped. Jolting every nerve back into her system, her eyes bursting open.

One second she was in Mebuki's arms - the next on the other side of the room. The parents flinched at the movement and snapped behind only to see someone else. Someone that wasn't Sakura.


Kizashi blinked. "What..?"



A surge of chakra flew like a tornado in the room causing the parents to grunt at the force. The dressing table fell over, letting the products drop, magazines and clothes flying in every direction.

The only thing that stopped was the scrawny pre-teen body, flopped on the floor.


"Hello, My name is Mai. I'll be your Docter for the next few days okay?". A brown haired man in his white nursing attire, flicked his pen on his board as he smiled sweetly to the small girl on the bed. She paid no attention whatsoever.

"If I may Miss.Haruno - I would like to ask you a few question if that's alright with you?"

Sakura stared at her open palms on her lap. Hmm...unresponsive.

" Okay. Do you know why you are here?"

She was like a statue. Nothing.

Mai was about to leave until he heard the bed creak. He turned back only to find emerald hues glaring at his face. He momentarily hesitated, confused. unresponsive with a kick.

Mai left the room, closing the door behind his back to then face the worried parents of her so-called patient.

" she alright?" The wife whispered, trembling with her husbands arms around her.

"Her records and testing all came back with nothing but healthy. We had our medic-nin also heal the scratches on her neck-" The parents flinched. Huh. "- and wrapped some temporiral bandages on the area. We will supply you with some anti-inflammation cream if the skin becomes a rash. But overall- we did not find anything vital that would have caused this...outburst."

Mai could only encourage them with a firm smile. He was uncomfortable. He did not know what to say in a situation like this even though he has covered it for the past years as a docter. But it was new to know when a Genin came in his care instead of a civilian. He took one look at the parents and knew for a fact they were the typical loving parents - so why did their daughter look like she was tortured for years?

"We...why...What. What do you think we should do?" Kizashi mustered. Mai sighed, fully preparing for what would have to come next.

"You said that your daughter just become Genin, correct?" They nodded. "You must contact her sensei about this sitation due to the fact that she has become a shinobi. The only path I can give you is that you leave her here for the next few says while we conjor up a plan as to why this happened."

"Can we at least see her?"

"Yes, but only for a few moments."

Mebuki walked in, then Kizashi closing the door. Their once cheerful daughter was once silent. Staring at her open palm hands. Her pink locks covering her eyes with her neck hunched over. Mebuki slowly pushed a chair towards her daughter's bed with Kizashi following beside her.

It was silent. Deafening the hell out of the parents.

This was their daughter. Their daughter who complained about her friend at the academy, who was head over heels for that Uchiha boy and laughed everyday. Instead their daughter was silent.

Mebuki pushed down her overcoming sob as she reached for her daughter's hand. Sakura flinched away from the touch as if it was hot.

Sakura watched her parents drop in sadness. Still trying to muster up a smile.

She was confused, hurt, sad, happy, shocked, sore. She started to scratch her neck a bit. She remembers the war, the shinobi lying on the field, Naruto, Sasuke, Kakashi, the rookie 9 - fighting against Madara. Her fighting against Madara. She died in the arms of the dreadful killer. She was killed - so why was she in a hospital, in her 11-12 year old body with her parents at the peak of crying? Wait.

"Honey, Sakura. Tell us baby. Baby what's wrong? Your mama and papa is right here." Mebuki urged. Kizashi still silent beside her watching his daughter with careful eyes, like she was a walking bomb.

She died. She's dead. She - she has to be.

"...I'm -" She winced. Her voice still raspy from screaming. Her parents urged closer. Salura could see it, their features unchanged from her memories of youth. Her dad's wrinkles with beauty spots, her mother and her beautiful blonde hair instead of the white lines of age. She could feel it, her facade that she built in the war fall brink by brink, her hardness flow as her emotions erupted. Her eyebrows scrunched up, her lip trembling.

"I'm dead. Right? That's why I can see you two... Mother, Father." She bit her lip as her voice quivered. Her hair blocked her face once again, her palms grasping the blanket tightly.

"Please. Please. I'm dead aren't I? I died... I was...where's the blood? Where is it? It's supposed to be here. Why don't I feel anything? Where is it? Where is it? WHERE IS IT!-"

Kizashi pulled Sakura towards him, hugging his child close and not letting her get out. Mebuki grasping them both. Sakura was struggling, cursing at her strength, cursing at herself, cursing at making her parents cry who she didn't know if they were real ghosts or what not - she just wanted to know where was the proof? Where was the blood?

"Sakura. We love you so know that right?" Mebuki whispered gently.

"L-let me go! D-don't a-act like your them! Don't touch me. Urgh, s-stop it... s-stop it...." Sakura was now sobbing, completely out of it. She was in shock. Her breathing was fast, her sobs uncontrolled.

"Shhh...let it out love, let it out."

" I s-saw you both. I dont deserve this. I dont...fucking hell."

It slipped past the parents. They knew, it was okay for now at least. But they knew something had happened. Something changed their young blossom. Something that caused their bright girl to wail like death.


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