Part 12

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2 hours later

The doctor came back with a sad and disappointing look. Betty knew something was very wrong. Never does the lead surgeon give the updates until the end. Also they've only been in there for 2 hours. The doctors walks in the room.
Dr:"I'm sorry we did all we could"
B:"No, No, No"
J:"Oh God"
They both cried in each other's arms. Jughead more than Betty. The called Brandon, Ellie and Lia to come say goodbye to their sister.
Br:"Mom!" Brandon said as he cried. He cried more when he saw Maya laying in the bed, dead.
Br:"No" He whispered
E:"Maya, oh God. She's dead isn't she" Ellie whispered as she cried trying not to scare Lia. Jughead nodded as more tears left his eyes.
L:"Daddy, what's wrong with Maya?"
J:"You know baby, she was sick. She wasn't feeling good. She had a big booboo on her brain. She was really hurt. The doctors tried to help her but she was just too hurt"
L:"So she's dead?" She said As tears left her eyes.
B:"She is baby, but now she's not suffering" Betty said as she hugged a crying Brandon and cried herself. Ellie and Lia where crying in Jughead's chest. He held them closely as he was scared to lose them too. They spent 1 hour saying there goodbyes. They went home. Ellie and Lia went to bed as they got home since it was late. Brandon and Betty were on the couch crying and cuddling till he feel asleep. Betty moved him off her and covered him in a blanket. She walked to Maya's room and saw Jughead sitting on the bed. He was looking at a picture of her, crying.
B:"Come to bed with me. It's late"
J:"No, I can't sleep."
B:"Ok, but just know there was nothing you could had done." She said as more tears flowed down her face.

5 days later

The funeral was in two days. Jughead hadn't left Maya's room. He ate and sleeps there. She had a bathroom where he showered and used the bathroom. He was broken. He had barely talked to anyone. Betty was tired of taking care of the kids alone and dealing with losing a child alone. She needed him and as much as he was broken so was she. Brandon, Ellie and Lia went out for icecream since they hadn't left the house since Maya's death. Betty walked into Maya's room. Jughead didn't even look up. He was looking at her jewelry and her Makeup that was spread all over the desk.
B:"Jughead please, come out."
J:"No" He whispered as he smelt her perfume that smelt just like her. He cried more. Betty hugged him from behind as he pushed her away.
B:"What is wrong with you, I am your wife and you won't let me hug you?"
J:"I don't want to be touched"
B:"I get it, you lost your daughter but I lost her too and you didn't even ask me how I was doing with all of this. I've been taking care of the kids alone, going to bed alone, dealing with this indescribable grief and pain alone. Your my husband and yes we lost a child but we still need to be there for each other."
J:"She's not" He whispered
J:"She's not your daughter. She's mine and Amber's! She was never blood related to you." He immediately regretted his words.
B:"What are you saying? Maya's not my daughter, Brandon's not my son, Ellie's not our daughter. She has no blood of ours"
J:"I didn't mean that"
B:"No, I get it now. You never thought i was a mother to any one of them."
J:"Betty" He said as she walked out. He would had followed her but he couldn't bring himself to leave this room. After 10 minutes he walked out. He couldn't stand hearing Betty cry. He walked to their bed where she was laying down her back facing him. He got on the bed and hugged her from behind. He kissed her neck.
J:"I'm sorry baby, you don't deserve for me to not help you and for me to tell you you're not a mother to our children. It's not true. You're the best mom those kids can ask for. I'm sorry I wasn't there."
B:"Its ok Juggie, I forgive you"
He kissed her.

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