Entry (Jan 1, 2010) - Prologue ⟰

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Dear diary,

Today, I've decided to join a game show called "Battle for Dream Island". It is in a place called Goiky, far away from my hometown. This is the first time I've ventured out of my hometown, but I will do it, as an attempt to change my reputation as paranoid.

There are many other objects I'd met, a large portion of which think of me the same way the citizens of my hometown think of me. Maybe, just maybe, if I win the show, I will come back to my hometown as a brave, daring piece of wood. But chances are low, and if I want to win, I'll have to try hard and ignore my fears.

Many of the objects in the show try to be understanding and always come to the conclusion that it is because I am a very fragile type of wood. That is true, but it is not the real reason.

The real reason I am very paranoid, I do not know myself. But I do know that it is my destiny to do something that will change all these objects' minds about me. I'm just not sure what to do yet.

Now, as I said, many of the objects in the game show do not understand why I am as paranoid as I am. But there is one object who hasn't said anything. Though she doesn't seem to be able to talk, she seemed to be the ideal object. She only punished people for what they did. And, so, you know what happens next. And, this object's name is Teardrop.


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