Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Present Day


"Okay, everyone! I have something else I would like to do! If we can all squeeze into the room over there. I think we can all fit. I have a map of the area. I wanted to go through the Half Moon course with you all and show you where the targeting events will take place and where you will be practicing."

Everyone started to file into the map room. Some of the soldiers hung back, still wanting to do their throws, but knowing that doing so would be impolite. The squad leader told them to try to listen to Moey's talk, as they should also be aware of the details.

One person did lag behind the rest—Hector. He grabbed a spear and, without so much as a moment's contemplation, hurled it with incredible power. The spear landed a near perfect shot. No one saw it, but they heard the loud report of the spear tip splitting the wood.

Some soldiers turned while walking away, but they continued on toward the map room. When no one was looking, Utah pocketed Moey's heavy knife, which had still been lying out on the table. No one had been allowed into Eden with weapons. They had all forfeited their possession at the border checkpoint, leaving the weapons there for safekeeping. But Utah was now a deadly force; he was as competent with knives as he was with spears or any other form of armament. With the knife concealed, Utah made for the gate. As the Victorian guards were distracted, he wasted no time.

Moey would notice the knife, Gabon would notice his absence, and Utah wasn't sure what would happen. But he was sure about what he now had planned, and no one would stand in his way. He felt a sense of exhilaration as he ran toward the center of town, drinking in the sights and smells. It was similar to yet different from Victory, and in his mind, it was better. And how he had missed it! Twenty years of exile, a life as he knew it stripped away, his father compromised, and his family ruined.

He was only able to imagine the consequences that had befallen those he loved and those who had helped him. It was all because Eden had needed someone to blame. How stupid he'd felt—so played and so used. He fantasized about what he would do to these people, given the chance. As he steamed toward the town center, his feet felt as light as if he were flying, and his adrenaline was pumping.

The knife gave him a great deal of comfort. With such a weapon, optimized to be thrown, he imagined new ways to kill, as well as the looks on their faces as the blade flew and pierced their hearts. Utah pondered, I will never live through this, and my friends from Victory will also suffer for bringing an assassin with them. Maybe they will all be suspected. More blood on my hands. But I don't care anymore. He was in a trance, capable of any deed and incapable of hesitation. I bet that little prick is already drunk. Well, all the better. Maybe they're all together right now—naked, drunk, and about to die.

He imagined Christopher, Perry, and Jacob as they were, and the brief but exciting moment when evil captivated and guided them toward a goal. I will send you to Saul, you motherless bastards, Utah muttered in his mind while feeling the warmth of his own body heat.

It was completely dark when he arrived at the bazaar, and all the merchants had gone home for the night. He went through the rows of shops silently, knowing that guards were constantly patrolling for thieves. There were clothing merchant shops—the same as before. He went around to the alley and worked his way through one of the back doors that looked weak and in need of repair. He discarded his Victorian clothes, which were obvious and out of place, and gave himself a new, fashionable Edenite wardrobe.

Then, he found a mirror and drew his knife. His long Victorian hair would also stand out undesirably. The style in Eden had gone to shorter, neatly cut hair since he had left.

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