Cake time fuckers Chpt.4

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Megas pov.

 I watch as the sick boy grabs the cake and saunters over to the kitchen. He sets the cake on the table and, as any gentleman would, pulls the chair out for me. I give him a small smile as I sit in the chair, and he does the same, except in the chair across from me. 

"Mega, you like chocolate with buttercream icing right," He paused, coughing "I remember you saying it one time when we were all talking about sweets.." He finished sheepishly. 

I smiled though. What an odd thing to recall off the top of your head. 

Mega brushed it off, taking the cake out of the bag and the top off of it.

"Oops... Sorry Mega I kinda forgot the knife to cut the cake along with plates..." He seemed disappointed in himself.

I quickly shook my head and stood up grabbing two forks, nothing more, and sat down.
I handed him one of the forks and shrugged.

3rd pov.

Zelk and Mega ate their full if the cake. Zelk not eating too much because he was sick.

They put the cake away, Zelk and him agreeing on a mutuL stand point, not to ever wake the other up in the morning or murder would happen. So if one of them slept until 5pm, leave it.


(Short chapter because I'm back and need to remember the plot)

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jul 09, 2020 ⏰

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