Capitulum 5

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That night, I knew I really had no place in Zeus' heart and that is if he really had one. That night, I went back to my own castle, shocking my servants since they thought that the night after the wedding, married couples should spend it together. How right they were but how wrong at the same time. That only applied to partners who truly loved each other. I spent the night alone and things started to become worse in my case.

Weeks after that night, news of Demeter bearing a child, broke out. That brought shame to me, knowing that Zeus was the father. Others will probably think that I was careless as a wife, moreover, as the Goddess of Marriage. They'll conclude that I don't take marriage as a sacred and serious matter and letting my husband fool around. There's more to that, I have to make sure that Demeter will have a successful birth, part of my responsibility as the Goddess of  Childbirth.

I was seating alone beside my window, overlooking the lake. The servants who came inside my room would leave with pity visible in their eyes. What could I say, like predicted, I am really miserable.

I am so angry at Zeus, for not keeping his promises. I am so angry at Demeter, for not keeping her hands to herself. I am so angry at myself, for agreeing to be married to a godwhore.
I should have known better and just let myself fall into shame rather than being miserable and have to tolerate a husband like Zeus.

I deeply sighed, for unknown reasons, I am deeply affected with what's happening to my husband. I should not care since we got married to save my name from shame. Was I struck by one of Cupid's arrow? What a stupid idea.

"My Queen, you've been denying yourself food. I'm afraid, as your servant, that you'll eventually fall ill if you continue your state. A grand dinner has been served and the God of the Heavens will be dining with you", Kiya said, which took my attention.

"Who allowed you to let an animal inside my castle? I was not even informed of this ahead", I spat and stood up from my position.

"He threatened us that he'll destroy your abode and let you live with him at the Heaven's Palace", Kiya said, with her gaze still at the floor.

I just shook my head.

"When is his arrival, by the way?"

"He'll be here when the sun fully shines at your castle"

That made me look outside. The sun's rays are just starting to show up, indicating that I'll have some time to prepare.

"Prepare my bath and my dress", I said and laid on my bed again. I heard some sounds inside the bathing room and Kiya went out from it.

"The bath's ready, My Queen. Should I call some servants to attend to you?"

I sat up and shook my head.

"I can take care of myself. Just prepare the breakfast", I said and entered the bathroom. I smelled the relaxing smell of lavender mixed with my womanly scent. I stripped my dress and it fell on the floor.

My bathing room was a natural hot spring, with some vines growing on its walls. I took a dip and resurfaced. I looked at the large mirror which was facing the spring. I stood up and looked at myself, drenched in water. My red hair even got redder because of the water. Some of it sticked to my body.

I may not be as fair and as extremely beautiful as Aphrodite, but I can say that I can brag about my figure.

After that bath, some servants attended me to help in wearing my dress and fixing my hair. I was wearing my red dress, adorned with some gems at the neckline. I looked at myself. I looked like a total villain, with my red hair and red dress. Imagining Demeter who was always in her white elegant dress, I was her opposite. She is demure while I'm bold.

Love as Vast as the SkyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang