Capitulum 14

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Upon entering, the colors of the interior mirrored the key. Blue linings were everywhere. Only torches served as the source of light and inside was like a library. Books were properly placed in shelves and a the fire was crackling on the fireplace with a seat in front of it.

"Somebody wants to know about somebody", the might-be occupant of the seat said.

"Themis, you know I hate attending to unimportant events personally and yet you're making me. You must provide answers to my questions for making me leave Olympus for such matters", I said and went beside her seat. The hag is enjoying her cup of tea.

"Personally? You could have summoned me since you have the authority and yet here you are, in front of me and let me guess, without Zeus knowing", she said and laid her tea on the tea table.

She's right. I came here in secret and didn't summon her in Olympus. I don't want that kind of gossip to circle around, me wanting to know more about my husband.

I just cleared my throat.

"Now, tell me a tale about your ex-husband", I replied instead.

"Your attitude is making my blood boil but just even your existence is enough for me to lash out on you. But again, you followed my tracks so let me tell you a tale", she said while maintaining a fake smile.

I sat on the seat across her.

"Before me, Zeus had Metis and I'm sure you know that. Metis was born with Tethys as the mother and Oceanus as the father. How ironic, Tethys raised you, the third wife of Zeus and and she gave birth to Metis, the first wife of Zeus", she said making my patience thinner.

"Tell me a tale not some mockery", I said and cannot ignore the fact that she isn't even offering some tea. What's there to expect but her hatred over me.

"Now, now, Hera. You brought this upon yourself. Ahem... and so Metis was the first wife. They were quite a view, all right. They would venture every part of Olympus and make love in each place. Quite a sight, I must honestly say", she continued.

"Skip the unnecessary information", I just said since she was mocking me.

"Then it wouldn't be a tale. Anyhow, that is their way of showing love for each other or maybe it's just Zeus being all insatiable. A party was held, one night, to celebrate the first but sadly the last anniversary of their marriage. Metis excused herself to meet her mother but unfortunately, it was not her mother at all", Themis said and got her tea.

"Guess who did she meet, Hera?", She asked with a taunting tone.

"I just want to know what's going on with Zeus, not the third party of his past relationship", I answered.

"Okay then. Zeus found Metis with that somebody and that is all where it went wrong. Zeus, giving in to his anger, killed Metis with his thunderbolt. Unfortunately, Metis' protective grandmother, Gaea, sensed her beloved grand daughter's death as her blood spilled on the mortal world. Gaea bears so much hatred against the gods for overthrowing her children, the Titans, up to this day.
She never acknowledged the gods and goddesses as her descendants. And Zeus just added another reason for her ongoing hatred. That is where it all went wrong. Gaea had enough after our father got killed by our brother, and our brother got killed by his own son. So she placed a curse on Zeus through me. We had few steamy moments and that is how he acquired the curse. Now, I am really intrigued on your reaction, Hera. You really are paying attention. Are you sure that you don't harbor feelings towards Zeus?", she said and chuckled afterwards.

This Titaness really knows her timing.

"Curiousity led me to you. I don't want to end up as miserable as you are right now, unloved even after entering marriage. About the curse, what is it?", I said running out of patience. Athena's party is still on my list.

"The curse is actually for him to undergo the same fate as his grandfather and father, to be killed by the hands of their own son. So now you may be asking why Zeus kept on showing his manliness to every woman", she continued.

I just shifted on my seat.

"Gaea hated more bloodshed and no matter how she denies it, Zeus is still her grandson. For that reason, she let Zeus know how to break it. It's very much rather easy. To love and be loved. That's how Zeus ended up having so many women. The wrong thing there is he mixed the definition of love and lust. Gaea knew that if only Uranus loved his children and so did Cronus, they won't suffer such horrible deaths", she paused and stared at the fireplace.

"Zeus truly loved Metis but his love was too much that it caused her death. I was just a replacement for her and you? Zeus still feared about having a son so he married you. He believed that you can stop any woman from giving birth to a baby boy until he finds another love. And about him changing to another version of himself, he's just being irrational. Letting his emotions to control his powers. So there you go", she said and smiled at me.

"You mean to say that his transformation is not part of the so-called curse?"

"Correct. He's still greatly affected by Metis' death that he often acts irrationally."

I knew that Zeus taking a sudden interest in me is not coincidental. He's planning all of this, but why do I feel kind of hurt? He knew that my pride will make me marry him.

"I believe you have a portal leading to Olympus. We have a gathering to catch", I said ending this conversation.

She just sighed and went to the bookshelves. She touched a book and a portal started materializing in front of us.

I stood up and Liya followed.

"You must really care for him. You're just using curiousity as an excuse."

"No, I don't. I genuinely hate him for involving me in his mistake", I said and entered the portal.

"Be careful, Hera. The future will drastically change your future. By the word "your", I mean you and your..."

Her last words were vague since we were now both on the other side of the portal.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2021 ⏰

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