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North district [07.21 PM]

A week after that...

Woo [07.21] :

Sangiee, I'm here!

Yeo [07.22] :

Behind you

Wooyoung put his phone back to his pocket and search for his friend. He spotted a pink haired man not far from him. He jogged his way

"Sangiee! I miss you" He hugged Yeosang

"Hey Woo, I miss you too" Yeosang hugged him back then wrap his hand around Woo's arm "Let's go" He pulled him to a café nearby

They can smell the scent of coffee the moment they entered the café. A bell ringed, indicating customer. A black haired man stand behind the cashier. His eyes widen when he saw them.

"What are guys doing here? We didn't have any meeting right?" he asked

"No Seonghwa, we're just visiting" Yeosang said with a reassuring smile

"There is no meeting until, I don't know... next month I guess" Wooyoung added. Seonghwa sigh in relief

"So.. 2 latte like always?"

"Make it 4" Yeosang handed him the money then seated near the window. The café is not crowded, it radiating a rather comfy atmosphere. After a couple minutes, Seonghwa came to their table with 4 cup of latte.

"You and Hongjoong should join us and I don't take no as an answer" Yeosang demand. Seonghwa smiled and called his husband to join them. They all seated around the table with latte in front of them.

"So how is everything?" Seonghwa start the conversation

"Business is good, oh and the crystal meth selling is on the top notch" Wooyoung said

"The liquor distribution doing great. How about you guys?" Yeosang asked

"Our café here is nominate as the best café in north" Seonghwa responded with his perfect smile

"Boring, next" Wooyoung rolled his eyes

"The gun shipment is smooth like always and we are able to snuck in a few cargo of high quality weed" Hongjoong showed them the report from his phone

"Good to hear that. By the way, my reason here is to ask you guys about block b" said Yeosang

"What? You said we are going to have fun today. I'm tired of this underworld thing" Wooyoung pouted feeling betrayed by Yeosang

"Shut it Woo! I can only find a small information about this Gang and because of them, Jongho has been watching me this whole week to make sure I came home in one piece"

"How did you get involve with them?" Hongjoong frowned his eyebrows

"One of the kid's parent turn out to be Ahn Jaehyo"

"Wait a sec" Hongjoong went to the office and back with a laptop in his hand. He typed and show them the screen. It shows all the block b members. Yeosang pointed a picture.

"It's him. Ahn Jaehyo. Where did you get this?"

"Maybe you just can't hack as good as me" a cocky smile painted Hongjoong's face. Yeosang just rolled his eyes

"Wait, I know this guy" Wooyung pointed a picture of a red haired guy

"Pyo Ji Hoon, He is the cleanest guy. The best sniper in town, no criminal records but secretly dangerous. Every single of them is dangerous. How did you know him?" Hongjoong explained as he typed more things and showed them a clean criminal records.

Territory {ATEEZ and BLOCK B}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon