Chapter 28

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The music was loud and the bar jammed with military and civilians all imbibing, exhaling eau de whiskey or their drink of choice into the air. The two groups didn't mingle, except for a few in the far corner of the room. A spotlight lit the stage but little else, so faces remained in shadows. Officers had the choice seats at the front. Enlisted were scattered at other tables or standing, swaying with the jazzy beat. Rank didn't distinguish who ogled whom, though many locals had sights on the higher-paid officers. There would be more than music and drink for some tonight. Not much different from pre-invasion days, Jack thought.

Sitting next to Ben, Jack tried to ignore the hair prickling his neck. The room was hot and his fake blond wig left him hotter. It didn't help that couples in the darkest corners of the establishment were generating their own heat.

That action hadn't escaped Ben's eye either. "I'd have preferred a more private place to meet," he told Jack after they'd topped off a second round of ale. His voice was gravelly and he brushed Jack's thigh beneath the table.

Ben had arrived at their rendezvous without incident. Nightstorm had been cleared through the checks at ODP, and Arlee remained on the freighter. While he oversaw the transfer of cargo to a buyer, Ben checked out the local pubs, ending up here to gather information from Jack to take back to the Riga.

Jack concentrated on keeping his breaths steady. He finally said, "Being surrounded by enemies doesn't get your blood rushing?"

"Oh yeah," Ben said as the singer finished his set and bowed to enthusiastic applause. He didn't join in because his hand was squeezing Jack's leg. "But this time there's more to it than just running intel right in front of them."

Jack leaned forward. "I agree."

"Glad to hear it," Ben said.

Jack forced himself to break their eye lock. "You need to leave. Pass along the intel. Arlee's probably wondering what's taking so long."

Ben laughed. "I doubt that."

Jack couldn't help himself. He had to look into those eyes again. War wouldn't give them a break—not for a while. "We're...I'm counting on you."

"It'll be weeks before we return." Worry played in Ben's voice. "How will I get in touch with you?"

"The resistance is tracking private ships in and out. I'll know when you're back." He touched Ben's hand. "Besides, the bartender knows you. He'll send word."

Jack started to rise, but sat down quickly. Mother of Colonists! Security Chief Berg and a female sergeant walked through the door. Even with the disguise Jack didn't want to risk Berg recognizing him.

Ben didn't have to ask Jack if knew them. "They're coming this way," he said.

Berg was checking the room, nodding to friends at the bar. He didn't give a second glance to men two tables over whose lips were fused.

Jack tugged on Ben's tunic to shift closer. He pressed his forehead to Ben's, and Ben caught on right away. His hands slid through Jack's hair, and he kissed him gently. When Ben pulled back, a server blocked Berg's view of them, but unfortunately the SEC sergeant stared directly at Jack.

Does she know me? Before he had a chance to blink, a server got her attention.

Jack whispered, "Let's get out of here." He tugged Ben up from the chair, leading him to the rear of the building and through a hallway where more intimate meetings were the norm. There also happened to be a back door after they hustled past four couples and one threesome.

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