November 17th, 2015

31 3 0

Dear diary

I haven't written here for a long time, but I feel like I should. Everything is so weird. I'm currently sitting behind the school's gym, writing this during lunch. I'm so scared. My parents, it feels like they've changed. And my sissy. She cries every day, screaming at my parents about how they don't love her.

I don't get it, they love her with every single bone in their bodies. I haven't eaten anything in almost two weeks now. My parents are too tired to make dinner, so I just forgot about it. I was hungry all the time at first, but not anymore.

And at school, I feel so alone. So sad. My best friend since kindergarten moved to her mom during summer break, meaning that I'm never gonna see her again.

I can't believe it.

Dear DiaryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang