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I was told not to wander after dark, they told me to be home when the street lights started coming on.
I was ten and I wasn't paying attention, I was having to much fun.
But that fun turned into a nightmare, one that I don't know if I could ever wake from.
To top off this nightmare a flu has hit the entire world sending everyone into chaos as people die.
Guess I should start from the beginning...
Our family isn't wealthy we are average, maybe better than average, I have two older brothers, Bellamy and Murphy, their twins, than you have our sister Octavia still older than me, I come next than we have our three cousins Shilo, Liam and Kit.
Their parents are away on business so they gave my parents custody.
We would always go over to my friend's house after school, from there we'd go to the park and hang out with our friends.
None of us noticed all this time the Humvee that was in the lot was in fact watching us.
We all noticed it a few times and looked at it from a distance, making up stories that it some war guy on a spy mission, stupid stuff like that.
The night that will forever change my life happened without warning, we ended up playing flashlight tag, we forgot about the Humvee and the fact someone dangerous could be in there.
Dale, Toby's eldest brother was my partner in the game and we got to close to the vehicle and that's when we were both grabbed.
I remember the smell of the chemical on the rag, it was a sweet smell, that didn't alarm me but the fact I grew weak and my eyelids grew heavy sent me into a sudden panic that was short lived.
I later found out that for my age they used less, that's why I was more aware than Dale or any other kid.
When I came too I was on a mattress in a, I don't even know what to call it, hole maybe, there were no visible exists, a single light hung above.
When the light goes off I was to sit on the mattress and not move, the first night I didn't know this and I panicked, who wouldn't?
I punched and kicked whatever touched me as they retrieved the waste can, resulting in me getting knocked out cold.
The next time I was pinned to the mattress before I could even react, they told me that from now on, I am to "stay still and not move or else."
It was the or else that instilled the fear I had every time the lights went off.
What could or else be!?
You can't tell a ten year old boy or else, their imagination in this situation goes wild and off the charts, granted most likely those imaginations aren't to far off from reality.
I spent about a month or so in there, my only contact beyond the small dark space was the one cleaning the waste can and feeding me.
Granted never saw the guy but he would speak, he would ask how I was feeling, if I was sick or in pain.
I'd asked how long I been there, he wouldn't tell me.
I cried myself to sleep every night unsure what will come the next day, if I had a next day, would I see the outside or was this room going to be my grave.
Than one day it all changed, the lights went out and I sat still on the mattress just like I been doing, this time it was different I saw a door open and the light from outside the room filled the small space.
He took me by the wrist and pulled me out of the small room.
Still couldn't say where I was, the stone wall that surrounds the area doesn't leave much to the imagination either.
I could see tips of trees so safe to say a forest surrounded the area.
"Where am I?" My voice was raspy from lack of talking and always crying.
"Your home my child." A man said as he stood in the door way of the large stone castle like building.
"No where am I?
I know this isn't my home and there are no homes like this where I lived we are definitely out of the country." I narrowed my eyes at him, he chuckled at me than shook his head.
"Smart lad we have, not all have been as observant as you.
Yes my child, your no longer within your state line or any state or country for that matter.
This is the Rouge Island.
You won't find this on any map, natural or spiritual.
Come let's get you cleaned up." The man smirked at me.
Everything told me to run, but run to where and if I tried they would catch in seconds and who knows the punishment if if I tried.
"Why me?" I finally asked as we walked the massive hall.
"In time Knap Stone, all answers will be told to you, till than no more questions." The man said as he held the large oak door that led to a bathroom that was already prepared for me.
"Take your time, Scott here will be sitting outside the door, knock two times and he will open it for you.
Maybe we should see Martha after to get you a trim, your hair has grown out." The man said as he touched my hair.
"Were you the man in the Humvee?" I whispered.
"Yes child I was.
Knap trust me when I say your lucky it was me and not those in the van that took your other friends.
Unlike those men I don't want you dead." The man sighed as he watched fear fill into my eyes.
"Dead!?" I blurted outloud.
"Bath now, conversation later." The man said shoving me into the room closing the heavy door.
"Who would want us dead and why?" I asked myself outloud.
As I undressed in front of the large mirror I noticed how pale and thin I looked, I was thin so as it was for my age.
Than I spotted my Bible tag dad gave me for my tenth birthday two months ago.
He would train us everyday how to fight, tell how stories about battles between demons and angels that he and others from the Holy army fought.
He would tell us that there are those still out there hunting us down, but we were safe where we lived or so he thought.
I wonder if these guys were there, if they kidnapped us to seek vengeance on my parents.
Than I began to wonder what of my siblings, I swore I heard Murphy call out my name just as I passed out.
My heart started racing, I needed to know but I knew first I needed a bath, that strange giant of a man was very adamant about that.
Once I was done and it was fast trust me, I got dressed in the new clothes laid out for me.
They were slightly big but it was okay, the sneakers fit perfectly and they were slip ons.
"You clean up nicely." Scott chuckled as he grabbed my towel and started drying my hair better.
"Its damp in here so as it is, you'll get sick with a wet head." Scott explained as he started combing my hair.
"Man your a handsome kid.
Your hair just needed some styling." Scott chuckled as he led me to the kitchen where that man was.
"Are my brothers here, I heard Murphy screaming my name before I passed out?" I said boldly as I walked up to him.
"For a ten year old, you sure have alot of questions, most kids your age are quiet and shy around us, the men who kidnapped them." The man chuckled as he set a bowl on a counter where these stools to sit on were.
Scott lifted me into the seat, because I am to short to do it myself.
"My dad taught me to be strong.
Where you apart of the great war?
Is that why you took us?
Where's Dale?" I kept asking questions and he just sat there eating his stew waiting for me to stop rambling.
"Yes, your siblings are here, even your cousins, we had to pass by your house they were under attack, I spotted the three boys across the street.
Your siblings were taken from the park just like you as was Toby Dale's little brother, they are both set up in a room already.
Yes I was a soldier, a general in fact, of the Holy Army, I turned away from them obviously to create my own army, but I didn't turn a blind eye and wasn't about to allow my fellow brothers in arm's children to be slaughtered just because they had the Holy bloodline.
Knap there are so many questions racing through that little head of yours, in time they will be answered but don't mistake any of this as kindness.
We are enemies, a time will come that you will have to choose who you will fight alongside.
Keep in mind, if I was going into battle tonight and if your parents got in the way of who I wanted dead I wouldn't hesitate in killing them." He warned me, I was surprised on how honest he was about it.
I nodded my head in understanding as I ate my stew.
"If you step out of line, disrespect me in any way, I will punish you.
Remember the cell, remember what happened your first day?" He asked.
I nodded my head as tears ran down my face.
"That was me, I was always the one in there.
Now finish eating." He said as he left me alone with Scott.
Cameron and Johnathan, identical twins probably eighteen came in and joined us.
"So your our new apprentice.
Let me take a look at ya." Johnny said as he turned my stool so I'd face him.
"Hmm, he's too skinny, there's no meat on his bones, tiny too squirt.
How old are you?" Johnny asked.
"Ten." I half whispered.
"I think he's part mouse." Johnny smirked and winked at me.
"Tell Markus we collected the kid.
He will eat with us from now on." Johnny picked me up off the stool.
Once in the room he led me to the wall where they obviously measured themselves.
"We were small at your age too, see." Johnny pointed to Cam's chart.
"He ment to say I was your size, he's still taller than me and calls me squirt." Cam mumbled in annoyance.
Johnny shook his head and chuckled.
"We been here since we were eight.
Markus rescued us from our crazy uncle, he raised us ever since, we too have the option to choose, we have the Holy Bloodline as well, our dad was a general as well.
Being that there's no wars as of yet we never got a chance to decide, I half expect him to take the option back when the time really comes.
Either way we don't plan to stick around to much longer, don't worry squirt we won't leave you behind, we're family, our dad his your dad's dad, ironic I know, we were a surprise, so we're your uncles.
How do I know this I bet your asking yourself.
Well not going to say Markus's famous in time you will know response.
Your dad was captured once with us, you look just like him and he told us he was our older brother, also my brain never forgets anything really.
Like an elephant they never forget, well that's me, Cam sometimes, I think his is selective." Johnny giggled as Cam grumbled from his bed.
I guess when I said nightmare I over exagrated some, but at first it was a nightmare till my uncles took me under their wing.
"Oh squirt, Markus lied, only your siblings are here, your cousins are safe with Elon.
Can't tell you how I know that, just yet now that in time you will know.
Your friend Toby same, He's safe, Dale is here though.
They're with friends of ours so they will join us on that escape." Johnny explained.
Unfortunately our escape was put on hold when a flu swept through the world even affected us, well not us exactly but other kids.
Because of it we were isolated to our wing, luckily that includes a kitchen, my siblings, a play room of sorts to entertain.
But no exists, literally, having bars on your windows makes it almost impossible to escape...

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