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Its been a year in our isolation, nothing exciting has happened.
Markus would come to take us one by one to be looked at by a doctor that would be set up in a room.
A lot died from this flu, the worlds population was cut nearly in half, no one knows where it came from but I heard the doc tell Markus, that us who wear our Bible tags are the healthiest.
Those dying are children, men and women that were not of the bloodline.
Even Markus looked like he was being affected by the flu.
It concerned me on how he was taking this information.
I told the others once I was back in our wing.
"He's probably not to happy about that, we are gonna have to escape and soon." Johnny sighed as he looked over his plans.
"They're weak, I say we fight our way out, once out we go to the docks get on the boat and head for that island." Cam pointed to an island they had plans to escape to.
Its apparently an old training grounds, they are hoping those in charge of guarding it will be there.
"What if its abandoned?" Bellamy asked.
"Doesn't matter, its self sustaining, vegitaion and everything, it was always a place meant for us to flee to if need, I think this calls for needed." Cam smirked.
"Yeah, still doesn't mean its in the same working order, even from when we were there." Mason said as he joined us.
"My brother has a point, we know all to well we aren't the only ones that know of that island." Raven sighed, he and Mason are twins like Cam and Johnny but they are literally night and day.
Mason has reddish brown/blonde hair emerald green eyes, Raven has hair as black as well, black and midnight blue eyes.
Their family is really neat looking I have to say, Cole as thick almost white, golden blonde hair and sky blue eyes, Justin their older brother has a mixture of all their eyes and his hair almost a mixture as well but you can't really notice its a perfect blend.
"Yeah others can go there but none can see it.
The enemy could walk right through it and never even know.
Trust me that's the best idea and we are leaving tonight, the others are leaving as well, so should we, if we wait, all we will end up doing is waiting for Markus to tighten security.
If anyone tries to stop us no killing, we will take them hostage and hopefully get them to follow the right path." Justin explain.
He was once an enemy, even against his brothers, he turned on them one day but some how they got him back.
Raven said Justin really hasn't been the same since and he always has nightmares but Raven trusts him with his life.
I don't know what I'd do if my brothers or Octavia turned on me, we have always been close, even closer now.
As I sat there looking at them all bickering back and forth about what to do a vision consumed me.
Dad told me about this, except it happens when your asleep not awake.
It was as clear as day as if it was actually happening right than and there...


Markus and his men were killing all the Holy Warrior children, we could see him lining them up on the training field outside.
Before we knew it they were coming to our door, the older boys secured the door on our side as the rest of us looked out over the field, I noticed not to far off these men in cloaks, suddenly Cole started pointing them out saying the Nightwalkers were back.
All the boys familiar with it rushed at us pulling us away but not until I saw one of the Nightwalkers look up at me, his eyes looked like fire it was as if he could burn into the depth of my soul.
I could feel Raven's grip tighten.
"I will stay by your side." I heard Raven's voice in my ear.
Before I knew it we were on a hill overlooking a battle.
"That's your dad." Raven smiled, he held me back as I was about to run to him.
"Its only a glimpse of the past, you can't go down there." Raven chuckled.
I looked up at him with confusion.
"This is all a vision and yeah I am with you." Raven assured not really easing my mind or answering all the questions my brain would keep coming up with.
"Raven, its been to long." A man from behind us said, we turned to face him, he wasn't an ugly man he looked strong and handsome almost Angel like, but he had a scar on his face.
"Not long enough." Raven said through clenched teeth.
The man noticed I was focused on the scar.
"This was a gift from your friend here." The man grumbled as he pointed the tip of his sword at Raven's throat.
"Its only a vision Jones, you can't hurt me." Raven narrowed his eyes at this Jones guy.
"Are you certain, if I do recall Alex left a vision just like this once with a reminder." Jones smirked as he stepped closer.
Raven was visibly shaking with fear of this man.
"I see your becoming wiser as you age, its about time Raven.
Now do not interrupt me while I take a look at Alex Stone's flesh and blood." Jones warned Raven.
Without warning we were both grabbed from behind.
"You met your uncles I assume.
Guess what little Knap Stone, your mother was my sister, funny how we are all tied together.
My family line isn't pure, in fact mine stems from pure evil.
I am actually their father, I found their mother alone hiding to weak so I took her, those boys are my boys not my nephews.
Its going to be interesting to see how things will turn out for you and I really can't wait..." Jones was suddenly cut off by Johnny.
"Get away from him Jones!" Johnny started fighting with him as Cam got to me and Raven broke free of the one holding him back.
Before I knew it we were some place else.
I told them what Jones said.
"Jones likes to confuse when it suits him.
I guess us being confused about how we land in the blood line works for him.
Raven are you okay?" Johnny was suddenly concerned about Raven.
"Jones is my uncle, we are all related, I don't think its a coincidence Markus took us.
I also think this is a distraction, I mean how did we go from talking about the safe zone to this?" Raven inquired.
"Your right and Jones is a master of Deception, he taught us alot, well force taught us all we knew, before advancing on our own.
Why didn't I notice sooner, this is to vivid, to real, the actual event and this has to be happening at the same time.
Knap look at me you have to wake up." Johnny said as he forced me to look up at him and not at the creature that was suddenly charging us.
"Forget it Johnny the kid doesn't understand yet." Raven said.
I looked at him and saw him in a full golden armor that was ornate and almost shined like the sun.
Suddenly both Cam and Johnny were in the same armor.
"Johnny if your right I sure hope the others become aware and fast." Raven grumbled.
I watched as Cam held me close, his shield in front of us for protection.
"One day soon you will have the same armor." Cam said as he tightened his hold.
I'm not sure when but we were suddenly back in the room Bellamy was holding me and a battle was going on with more of those hideous creatures.


"What are those things!?" Octavia screamed.
"Hords." Cole said as if it was something we should know about.
"Oh yeah right, we learned about those in biology." Murphy joked, Octavia glared at him.
When I get nervous I say whatever, you should know this about me by now." Murphy shrugged his shoulders.
Bellamy just shook his head in annoyance.
"Here take him." Bellamy handed me off to Murphy so he could go help the others.
The battle finally ended and we stood there in confusion.
"If they are in here, safe to say either Markus is dead or he is with them and he's been lying to us all this time.
But why are they attacking us is the bigger question?" Raven said as he circled the pile of ash on the floor.
"Did anyone get hurt?" Johnny asked.
Everyone was checking to see if anything happened to them, everyone responded with "no".
"Great another distraction, but again from what?" Johnny grumbled as he looked around the room and out the window for answers.
"Guys, the bars are gone." Johnny said as he backed away from the window.
"Wait what?" Raven rushed to the window and infact they were.
"That's not all, look." Raven pointed to the wall, it was crumbled as if a great war happened.
Than suddenly the ground started to shake, we bolted out of the room into the hall, the place was literally decaying around us, what's worse people who apparently lived and died here were showing up.
Raven assured me they were demons not the real people.
As we ran we hit a major road block, Markus stood in our way with Reaper and Duke who both looked just as concerned.
"Get in my office now!" Markus ordered.
"Are you insane!?" Raven snapped and rushed at him.
Markus over powered him and held a dagger to his throat.
"Don't make me add you to my list of kids I killed here Raven Miller." Markus smirked as Raven calmed.
We all got in his office and it was calm in there.
"Due to this blasted flu everything is falling apart.
Raven and those like them, you know more about the Spiritual realm so most of what I am about to say your the only ones who will understand.
All this is from the spiritual realm, the time of its decay has caught up to us, the flu has weakened me and others, soon this place will be nothing but rubble.
This is good news for all of you.
Be aware, do not stop to help anyone, only each other, trust me no one outside this room is who they seem.
I tried my best to hide you but they caught up to me, now take this and go." Markus handed us all back packs and shoved us back into the crumbling hall.
Scott and Stan led us out and into their jeep.
We got to the docks and onto the boat.
"Wait what of the other Holy army's kids?" Raven said.
"Raven..." Justin grabbed hold of his brother turning him to face him.
"Weren't you listening?
Those kids back there, everything we saw was a fragment of what was.
They're either long gone, grown up after escaping or dead.
We are it, the only true living ones." Justin explained.
"Wait what about Markus?" I asked.
"He's made his decision on who to follow, he held up to his end of the deal.
I bet anything those Hords were a test to see if we instinctively kill them in our Holy armor.
Knap I know your mind is going crazy with questions just please hold off till we are settled." Justin said as he went to help get the boat moving, we all stood there watching the island has it literally vanished as if was never there.
I still don't know if it was all just a dream and no one wants to talk about what happened.
Not even out parents, oh yeah got ahead of myself.
Well since we were in a glimpse or fragment we were never actually anywhere.
A bright flash knocked us on our backs and we were all suddenly standing in the park with our flashlights.
Raven and everyone from the boat, they all came home with us while Dale and Toby went home.
Dad said its all apart of our training.
That's it nothing more was said about it.
He gave me this journal and told me to write.
Oh I start school tomorrow, High school.
Did I mention we are new in town.
Oh none of the others had this vision only those that were with me.
Raven said visions can be intense but this one was definitely different, I think they don't believe we are home.
I hope we are but I am sticking close to them just in case.
Unfortunately Raven headed home to Jake, but at least our uncles stayed with us.

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