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Well so far everything seems normal, mom and dad are being strict and keeping us from going out, in fact due to staying out late we're grounded.
But you know there's a bigger question, explain Johnny and Cam, they were missing for years even before we went missing, but now they suddenly show up at the park with us and no o e is questioning that.
It really doesn't make sense.
Jake my history teacher/guidance counselor knows all about this stuff too, he was actually in charge of the boys not my uncles the ones with Raven and Jared is his kid brother.
Dale says his parents have been strange ever since we got back.
So is our dad its crazy, he's being abusive almost and distant, our parents never hit us before and would tell us just about everything we wanted to know.
I don't know but I think they know more about what happened to us than they want us to know.
As for school its been good, ironic I started high school, yet they all act as if it hasn't been even been a year since we were gone, technically I should still be ten not eleven, sure I was already in advanced classes and wasn't to start high school till next year.
Its weird, its as if even the teachers were instructed to keep stuff from us.
We don't have any access to technology, like computers and cell phones.
Dad said its because we're grounded, I think he's doesn't want us to know something.
So back to the school situation, there's this guy Jerry he and his boys are insane, yay more insanity, isn't this awesome?
Please note my sarcasm as I sit in the nurses office holding a pack of ice on my eye staring at an outdated...
Wait not outdated, years ahead, I'm talking a good twenty years ahead calendar.
Wait than Markus did tell the truth and the other boys were with us or we are trapped in another realm thing.
I grabbed that calendar and shoved it into my bag and head back out into the hall to catch up with my brothers.
"Murphy look at this, the nurse had this hung on her wall." I said holding out the calendar.
Murphy just laughed at me, than noticed my bruised cheek, while he was checking my injury, Bellamy asked his friend Chip for his phone.
Chip was a new friend, they just met today in science class or something.
"Murphy look!" Bellamy held out the phone with the time and date stamped on it.
"How is this possible!?" Murphy asked as he looked to Bellamy for answers.
"Why is the date so shocking to you guys?" Chip finally asked us.
"Because we are twenty years into the future and everyone is acting like this is normal.
Chip I'm gonna have to borrow your cell phone." Bellamy said as he bolted our the door heading towards the woods, we all followed behind.
"How about I stay with you while you borrow." Chip smirked.
We hung out in an abandoned hunter cabin while Bellamy looked through all the information on our disappearance.
"I found a news clip." Bellamy said suddenly outlook causing us to jump.
He clicked on it and played the video.
"Good morning viewers, I am coming to you live form Almighty park, it was built by the local church's this once safest playground for the local youth has turned into a crime scene, as last night over a dozen children vanished without warning.
A bright light was seen by the neighbors that tend to watch the local children.
A few have reported a week prior to their disappearance a Humvee was parked over there in the parking lot facing into the park.
Due to not violating any laws they didn't think anything about the vehicle.
Some say they saw men get out and take a few of the children on the night of their disappearance.
But what no one can explain was the sudden flash of blinding light.
But if anyone has information on the where abouts of the children you see now on your screen, please call your local police station.
To those holding these inocent children, please have compassion on them and let them come home.
To their parents and families watching, we are here for you and a group council prayer meeting is being set up at our local churches, your all in our prayers." The video ended and another one came on.
"This is a great day for the children that disappeared over twenty years ago, even others that disappeared prior to the children from Almighty park, now those in the surrounding area are being advised not to disrupt them, they are to assume they were brought back in the same time they disappeared, its to insure they do not become traumatized any further than they might have been already.
No one knows why none of them aged, but its a blessing they have been returned us, some think the children must have been put in cryogenic sleep.
If they happen upon this video I first like to say, welcome home boys and girls.
A few things you have missed, a flu swept through shortly after you left, a lot of those you remembered are most likely gone, some were forced into the cloning program.
We are now one nation, all nations are one, in time you will be told of everything you need to know.." The clip suddenly ended.
Bellamy looked at Chip for answers as to what she was saying.
Chip pulled up his sleeve and showed Bellamy his wrist, a cross like sword was burned onto him.
"Its so they know I am not a clone.
We are living in a dome that was built about six years after the flu.
The clones took over within a year or so after the domes were finished.
They branded everyone, if your parents don't have the mark they aren't your real parents, their clones and most likely plan to harm you." Chip explained as he took his phone and cleared his history.
"Best not to question them, trust me, just be observant." Chip explained and sighed as he left.
"So our parents could be clones!?" Murphy snapped.
"Calm down, let's first go home be observant, just no asking about what we just learned.
We'll go see James and the others.
Raven try and figure out if Jake is still the same Jake and any other information he can tell you.
If we don't come to training come get us." Johnny instructed.
Oh yeah they had to at least finish twelfth grade even tho they are eighteen.
We all walked home, we walked into our large home as if it was a strangers home.
We glanced around to see if there were any signs of change that we never thought to take notice of before, you know the fact that our home has doubled in size should had been a red flag from the start.
I went up to my room to do my homework and that's when I spotted it, a camera in the corner of my room.
"Let's go." Bellamy said gripping my wrist and my ready bag that we for some reason all had since coming home, it was as if we just knew one day we might have to just run and we needed supplies ready for that situation.
We just about made it to the door when it opened and these guard like men stood ready to stop us.
"Boys, Octavia come sit in the living room." Mom called to us.
Reluctantly we did as asked.
"Now we heard from Chip's mother that you used his cell phone." Mom said.
Chip was sitting there as well, with a split lip and a bruised eye, Chip flinched when dad stood up from his chair.
"Well there's a reason Chip is with us, he's also your brother.
Funny how your little brother is now your eldest now.
Its like that bible saying your kind talks about, the first will be last and the last will be first.
Now as I was saying, we know you boys are now aware of your situation.
We just want to make sure your doing okay." Clone dad said as he stepped closer to us.
I can't believe it, they cloned our parents and they were making us believe we were in our original time, about that we don't know either how we got from twenty years in the past, to twenty years into the future.
Not to mention we are still the same age, well a year older but still.
"We're fine, can we go now?" Murphy said standing up to leave.
Clone dad stopped him and of course Murphy wasn't going to take being pushed around anymore by the likes of him.
Murphy pushed back, clone dad smirked and without warning he sucker punched him in the gut, knocking the wind out of him, he than punched Murphy in the face knocking him out.
Bellamy got up to help but Chip stopped him.
"Trust me its not worth it, you'll be in the same situation." I heard Chip warn him.
"Listen to your brother, Bellamy." Clone dad smirked as he walked over and grabbed me by my hair and pulled me close.
I like to know, what's the deal with grabbing people by the hair, I swear its the most painful thing.
"Let him go, don't hurt him." Bellamy pleaded.
"Now why would I hurt my little boy." Clone dad said in a mocking tone.
"Well you hurt me." Murphy said sarcastically from the ground.
"Keep it up Murphy and I'll do more than just hurt you.
I think its time for you kids to have some separation." Clone dad said as he took me upstairs.
I could here them screaming and obviously fighting with those keeping them from getting to me.
"Don't cry little one, I'm not going to hurt you...
Well I guess I am a little bit but it won't last long." Clone dad smirked as he pulled out this thing that had the same mark Chip had, with a pressure of a button it started to glow red hot, I knew what was going to happen.
I kicked and screamed, one of those guards came in.
"Hold him down." Clone dad grumbled.
I begged and pleaded with him but it didn't matter.
You know I just realized, all this time none of us mentioned the fact Kit wasn't here.
That thought was going through my mind as my skin was burned.
"There, now that wasn't so bad." Clone dad said.
As soon as they let go of me I huddled into the corner of my room as far away from them as I could get.
"Where's Kit?
What did you do to him?" I cried.
Clone dad looked confused.
"Who's Kit?" Was all he said and stared at me for a long time.
Not sure what to say I just blurted out something off the top of my head.
"My toy fox." I pouted.
Technically it wasn't a lie, before Kitchen was born I had a toy fox named Kit, I actually gave it to him when he turned six.
"Not sure, if it was among your possessions, could still be in storage.
Your parents burned alot of things when we attacked, they tried to erase you all from history as well, I guess so we wouldn't be able to do what we are doing now.
It would have been a shame really, you kids would be out there alone and confused.
No worries we will be your parents, in time you will understand and we can be a normal happy family." Clone dad said as he walked out of the room.
He locked me in there.
I could here he was doing the same to the others.
I finished my homework, not wanting him to have a reason to punish me.
Thankfully we all have our own bathrooms, in our rooms.
Eventually Clone mom came to give me dinner.
"Let me see that wrist." She said taking it almost by force.
She put an ointment on it than wrapped it up.
"I know it smells awful, one of your kind makes it, works like a miracle for your flesh, in no time it will make you burn look like a birthmark." She smirked.
"You know we plan on having a little one of our own someday soon." She smiled as he played with my hair.
"Clones can do that?" I asked.
"Silly child." She giggled and kissed me on the head.
"We can do everything you can, maybe better.
Now finish up, when your done wash your plate.
Here, he says he programmed things for you to watch.
When it shuts off go brush your teeth and go to bed." She said gently as she left.
Unfortunately for her I am a hacker, we all are actually, but I'm the best, like Cam and Johnny can pick locks and get out of just about any situation, I can hack.
I hacked into the clone system, they had information on all of us.
Except Kit, he wasn't on record.
Mom did have him at home and he wasn't enrolled into school yet, I wonder if that had something to do with it.
They knew what we are, that's not a good thing because that means we could destroy what they built.
Clone dad came to check in on me I closed everything except a game I use to play.
"Now where did that come from?" He chuckled as he sat on the bed next to me.
The weight of him sitting made me lean into him and I almost forgot what he was.
I was about to move when he wrapped his arm around me and pulled me close.
"I know your frightened and you think we intend to harm you.
But we don't, we love you like your our own.
Your safe Knap." Clone dad said as he held me close.
I started to cry wishing he really was my dad, as I snuggled my face into his side.
"Its okay little one." He could, eventually I cried myself to sleep, when I woke my Kit fox was in my arms with a note.
'Told you I'd find it, Love Dad.'
That was all it took to make me start crying again, I knew this was my fox because it was a special made, dad said there was none like it in the world.
I never had my picture taken with it but I always took it with me every where I went.
It has a little something extra sown into it.
I fussed with the stitches and got it, it was dads old bible tag her gave it to me one dad and I put it inside Kit.
I still don't know why I did that or why dad had an extra Bible tag, it was as if some how we knew a day like this would come...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2020 ⏰

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