Championship part 2

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Third person p.o.v

While Ichigo was talking to Sophie and 3 other girls, the boys at the back was having a heated discussion about
The upcoming championship games.
"Hi I am Luke the guy who is standing over there is Austen and that guy over there is called Tubasa it is very  nice to meet you all" Luke introduce gesturing toward the two said boys .than a guy with golden ash hair walk up front "The pleasure is mine . My name is Hakino but please just call me Kino, the boy with midnight blue hair is called Haku, the one standing standing next to him is called Kim, the person standing at the back is called Nickolas but just call him Nick ,the person in front of him is called Nagisa , the one in the corner is called  Himaru and finally the boy beside me is called Arika we hope you will treat us well during our time here."(don't worry I will post their picture and their info in the next update)

Arika p.o.v

It has been some time since we last saw Ichigo, the whole reason we decided to attend this school was because we found out that she transfered here, we thought we would finally have her to ourselves but only to find her with 3 other boys . But that won't stop me- I mean us from getting her back to us.

Henry Lucus p.o.v

This is getting interesting I can't wait to see how all this will unfold ,looks like the boys will have some new competitions. My my Ichigo you have become quite popular haven't you ,my star pupil you really are a prodigy even if your old teammates can't see that others can. Speaking of old teams I am going to crush those little as*holes once I see them , they are lucky Ichigo has such a kind soul or else I would have them all expelled already . Well we would just have to see what her new teammates would do when they go against her past team.


So I hope you all enjoyed this chapter 😊
I also need you all to vote on weather to forgive Andou , Kashino , and Hanabasu or not please vote .
Thank You

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