fifteen ✿ going to california

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EVANGELINE CURLS UP IN HYDE'S lap as Eric holds the phone to his face, bouncing his knee and announcing it's ringing! over and over

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EVANGELINE CURLS UP IN HYDE'S lap as Eric holds the phone to his face, bouncing his knee and announcing it's ringing! over and over. Hyde whispers things about the boy into Evie's ear as Eric anxiously continues to wait for the girl on the other end to pick up. Then, as if realizing what he's actually doing, he repeats his earlier sentiment, this time a tone of terror lacing his voice, and slams the phone down on the receiver.

          Fez shakes his head and crosses his arm from his position next to Eric on the back of the couch. "And Eric chickens out again. Quack, quack, quack!"

          Evangeline giggles and glances between the distraught boy and the bumbling foreigner. "Fez, that's not the sound a chicken makes."

          Hyde smiles for a split second, tightening his hold on her, before turning his attention to the so-called man of the house with a critical frown. "Forman, what's the problem?"

          "It's just," Eric says, staring at his hands clasped together in front of him, "I want to tell her to come home, that I miss her—" he pauses for a moment, adjusting his hands slightly— "that I love her. I mean, it's too much to say over the phone."

          Evangeline reaches over and places her hand on top of Eric's with a cheesy smile, cooing about how cute he is. "Just call her, man, if you don't, how will she ever know?"

          Jackie rolls her eyes at the blonde, turning her lip up at her hand holding Steven's and his other hand wrapped securely around her thigh. "Listen, Eric," she says, forcing her eyes away from the pair, "just write her a letter. That's how I broke up with Michael." The last sentence she says with her attention directed back towards the pair, as if wanting to remind one of them specifically of that fact. Evangeline rolls her eyes at the suggestion, but Jackie isn't finished. "Yeah, I was able to take my time and come up with good synonyms for cowardly-won't-marry-me-loser-run-away-to-California jackass."

          Evangeline voices her lack of faith in that plan, to which Eric agrees. "Jackie, I'm charismatic in person. I've got—" Eric hold his hands up near his chest, moving them around wildly— "these awesome hand gestures. And I kind of, like, waggle my eyebrows when I talk." To accentuate his point, he dances his eyebrows up and down, shaking his head jovially.

          "Wait," Evangeline says, mocking him with a look of faux amazement, "you do that on purpose?" Eric rolls his eyes and shoves her head backwards as the girl just laughs at him. Hyde shakes his head at the boy as he climbs over the couch and whinges about how they're all so helpful.

          "You know what?" Eric suddenly stops his pacing, looking at each one of them. "That's it. I'm going." He nods his head, silently agreeing to his own statement, gesturing excitedly with his arms. "I'll just show up in California and, like, blow her mind." When no one answers he continues with yet another connection to Star Wars. At that point, everyone groans, sick of his constant Star Wars nonsense.

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