Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

ZHAN WOKE up at exactly 7 in the morning. He saw Yibo sleeping peacefully beside him while his arm is wrapped around his waist. He carefully removes it to make some breakfast for them.

Zhan walked in to the kitchen and start making chicken noddle soup (J-HOPE!!!!!!!!!) and some boiled sweet potatoes. While waiting, he also make nine honey water. All those foods are good for hangover.

He makes pancake for himself because it's his favorite and also a banana smoothie. Quarter to 8 in the morning, Zhan got startled when someone enter the kitchen and greet him.

"Good morning," Xingchen uttered still sleepy.

Zhan face him and give him a small smile, "Good morning. Hangover?" He asked when Xingchen start massaging his temple.

Xingchen grunted then nodded, "Damn that Bacardi," he murmured.

Zhan chuckled. He walked a little closer to Xingchen and hand him the honey water, "here, drink this. It's good for hangover."

Xingchen smiled at him, "Thanks. By the way, what's your name? Yibo didn't fucking formally introduce you last night," he said sipping on his glass of honey water.

He chuckled, "I'm Xiao Zhan. Just call me Zhan," he said. "Xingchen," he introduced himself.

He slightly nodded before finishing what he is doing earlier. When the chicken noddle soup got cooked, he placed it to a big bowl then he gets nine small bowl and placed it all together on the dining table.

Just a minutes later, five guys entered the kitchen, sat on chair and dropped their heads on the table. He shook his head before giving them a drink.

"Here, drink this. It can help your hangover," he muttered and placed it on the table. "The soup is ready while the sweet potatoes are still being boiled. I'll just wake up Yibo," he said then excused his self.

Zhan bring his self again at the second floor of Yibo's penthouse. He opened the door of his room and saw him still sleeping soundly. He chuckled softly looking at Yibo looking so cute while sleeping, his mouth is parted a little.

He walked closer and slowly brush Yibo's hair using his left hand. Zhan did that for almost five minutes before seriously waking up Yibo.

"Yibo," he softly called him.

He caressed Yibo's cheek, "Yibo, come on wake up." He said

Yibo's eyebrows furrowed, he lift his hand to scratch his nose the yawned. "W-What time is it?" Yibo mumbled

He looked at his wrist watch, "quarter to 8." He whispered

Yibo bury his face on the pillow, "I'm still sleepy and my head is throbbing," he whispered.

Zhan sighed, "That's what you get drinking five bottles of Bacardi. You're damn aware that the alcohol content of Bacardi 151 is high yet y'all finished five of them." He scowled Yibo

He grunted, "They want it so I go for it. It's been awhile since we got drunk all together," he reasoned out.

Zhan smiled warmly. Yibo has a soft spot for his friends. Yibo is the kind of person who's sweet and cruel at the same time. He doesn't know why he's cruel but he thinks that it's his nature or maybe he build that kind of personality.

He doesn't really know Yibo at all. All he knows is that Wang Yibo has a brother, mom, and dad. He's the owner of Wang Real Estate with six branches all over the Asia and his own company, Wang Group of Companies.

He also own the Devine Wang Hospital with seven branches just around China and twelve branches around Asia. He's the boss of Young Killers, a well known gang not just in Beijing, but all over the world. Yibo's gang holds the highest rank among the gang all over the world that's why he holds so much power. He even has his own Elite Military that composed of seven hundred people.

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