Bad News and..... Bad News

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**********ALEXS P.O.V.*****-******

I was rushed to the hospital. I was still confused, I mean, one minute I was in Jacob's arms and the next Zayn's! This is SO not good for my brain. Anyway, as soon as we got to the hospital I was rushed onto the hard boards. I saw a doctor come toward me with a needle.

"This is going to knock you out for a few hours." He explained. I nod my head as he stuck it in my arm. I felt darkness wash over me and I welcomed it with open arms. Well, not literally. That would be weird. You know, I'm gonna shut up now. Passing out now...


I fluttered my eyes open and saw a nurse. She smiled sympathetically. I glared at her, but I was scared. The last time I got that look I had found out I had cancer. What now...

"The doctor will be here shortly." The nurse said. I nodded my head and watched as she disappeared through the door. Soooo, now what? I'm bored... The doctor burst through the door. Wow, that was fast.

"Alexis, let's go straight to the point, shall we?" I nodded my head and he continued. "Your time with your kidnapper has weakened you lungs, therefore making the cancer progress faster. If the tests are right you'll die in less than three months."

My jaw dropped and my eyes buldged in shock. Not a very pretty sight. "W-what?"

He looked at me sadly, "You're going to die on Christmas Eve."

I sucked in a sharp breath, trying not to scream every foul word I know at the doctor. It was October 18th now. "Do I need to stay here?"

"You need to stay here for two weeks, then you can go home, but you need to be back by December 17th."

I nod my head. "Are the lads here?"

He chuckled. "You mean those loud, annoying, and obnoxious boys in the waiting room?"

I snorted. "Yep, that's them"

"Would you like me to send them in?"

"Yes, please."

He disappeared through the door. Gone. Vanished. Just like my life.

********LIAMS POV**********

The doctor that had kept on telling us to shut up announced that we could see Alex now. I sighed in relief. These boys were a walking heart attack. ( A/N Ow, you're giving me a heart attack) Louis had been wailing about how the cafeteria had no carrots, Harry kept flirting with the nurses, Niall was complaining about how I wouldn't get him Nando's, and Zayn was asking every nurse and doctor if there was any news of Alex. So, we walked to Alex's room and burst in, expecting to see a bright and happy Alex. Well, not exactly but you get the idea. We weren't expecting to see a sad and depressed Alex. Zayn immedietly ran over to her.

"What's wrong Alex?" We asked in unison.

"That is seriously freaky." Alex chuckled, but you could tell she was hiding something.

"Alex," I pressed, "what's wrong?"

She sighed. "IdieonChristmasEve." She rushed.


"I. Die. On. Christmas. Eve." She said slowly.

"What!?" We gasped.

"I DIE ON CHRISTMAS EVE!" She screamed, tears in her eyes.

"Alex," Zayn whispered, "I'm so sorry."

She glared at him, "I don't want your sorry." Then her face immedietly softened. "I don't suppose my mum's here?" She said hopefully.

I glared at Zayn, "You didn't tell her?"

He shrunk back, "I didn't want to be the one with bad news." He muttered.

"Guys," Alex said worridly, "You're freaking me out, what's wrong?"

"Alex" I sighed. "Your mum commited suicide a month ago."

She narrowed her eyes. "And you didn't think to tell me sooner?" She spat.

"We didn't have much of a chance!"

She sighed and I saw the grief, pain, fear, and longing in her eyes.

"Why don't you go home and we can talk tommorow" she chokes.


"Go." She said more firmly.

We nodded and left. The news dampening everybody's mood.

Alex is dying.

She is going to die on Christmas Eve.

There's nothing we can do about it.

Violá my cupcakes. I hope you enjoyed. Yeah, soooo i'm going to be updating less often 'cuz school. stupid goverment. haben't you ever heard the phrase "Ignorance is bliss"? apparently not. ANYWHOO,





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