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Armaan looked at the defiant tilt of her chin, holding the baby close to her bosom fiddling with the seat belt with her free hand

"But you always planned to give him away" Armaan reminded her coolly leaning across to fix her seat belt.

He felt her stiffening...

"As long as the pay off was sufficient.Shouldn't you have prepared him better for the separation " He added

"I didnt know if there was going to be a separation " she fired back, an angry flush spreading across her porcelain skin

"I would let nothing prevent me from claiming my son" his voice turned gruff "Since you disappeared there has not been a single day that I haven't thought of him"

"But handing him over isn't going to be as simple as I once thought it would be" Janani said her breath catching in her throat

Armaan shrugged

"You convinced a psychiatrist that you knew what you were signing up for and could cope with it"

"Things change" Janani whispered

Armaan made a frustrated sound and unbuckled himself and walked towards the cockpit.

During the take off he heard the loud wails of Advaith.

He might have woken up due to the pressure changes

Oh!! How he wants to scoop his child in his arms and sooth him

But he knew...his presence will only terrify him more.

So he remained in the cock pit with his pilots

After a while when they were miles up above the ground he walked inside the cabin.

The first thing he noticed was Janani curled up fast asleep in the reclining seat and Advi out for the count beside her in his new fancy travel seat.

Her hair was braided and he wanted to see it loose

Even though he knew much of it is fake??

He scanned the worn leggings and casual washed out kurti she is wearing and frowned

Why had she not yet made the effort to dress up for him

Not even once??

No woman had ever been so sure of her hold on Armaan's interest that she would show up almost as poorly as a homeless person

Or was this deliberate dressing down and avoidance of glamor her highly effective way of ensuring that he bought her a new wardrobe.

He shook his head at the direction of his thoughts.

What did he care about her dressing style

She could wear a sack for all he cares

And she would still look stunning....a sly voice reminded his from somewhere in his head


Janani was still in awe of the Verma mansion

Its past ten at night

Advi had woken up during the landing and had let out an ear splitting scream and had continued to do so throughout the walk in airport

No one in the airport is going to forget him anytime soon.

As the maid led her to a room Janani was awestruck

It had a queen sized bed in the centre and a baby cot near it..

Bound By Love [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now