~ ONE ~

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Rebecca couldn't help feeling nauseous as the car pulled into Eden Hall Academy. School wasn't beginning for a few days, but Rick suggested that it would be a good idea to go a couple of days early to give her a chance to settle into her dorm. She didn't object to his idea and it worked out perfectly because orientation was tomorrow.

Rick turned around from the passenger seat to face his sister, "We're here."

She looked out her window upon the dorm building, where she would be living for the next four years. With the exception of holidays of course.

"Come on you two, get going," their Dad ushered them out the car, "Grab your stuff, Rebecca."

She exited the car. Walking to the boot she opened it and lifted out her boxes. Rick came and helped her. The last thing in the back of the car was her hockey kit. Stopping and staring at it for a second, unsure of what this season was going to bring. She hoisted it over her shoulder not wanting to put more thought into it anymore than she had to. As soon as she closed the boot her dad drove off without as much as a goodbye.

Rebeccas head dropped unnoticed by her brother.
"Bye to you too," she mumbled at the now distant car.

Picking up the last of her items from the curb, she didn't care about the fact she was overestimating how much she could carry. Too stubborn to put down the boxes, she stumbled slightly, but steadily regained her footing.

"You need some help there?"

Rebecca peered around the boxes to see Scooter, her brother's best friend, and varsity goalie standing in front of her.

"Here," he insisted, before she had time to object he took boxes effortlessly from her arms. "Congratulations, by the way. Rick told me about the JV spot."

Rebecca felt relieved as he took the boxes and a small smile tugged at her lip, "Thanks, Scooter."

"No problem," he returned her smile.

The two walked into the dorm building and Scooter began to start a conversation, "Are you excited for Eden Hall?"

Unlike most of her brothers friends, Scooter was more of a reserved person and was always nice towards Rebecca, in some ways he was like another brother.

"More like nervous," she replied, "Being a Riley here, isn't exactly going to be easy."
Rebecca quickly spoke again, "Don't get me wrong it's not bad, it's..." she looked ahead to make sure her brother was out of earshot, and sighed, "I feel like I'm just going to be another Riley. That's only if people put two and two together."

Scooter knew Riley siblings on their own couldn't be more different, but put them next to each other and you couldnt deny that they were related.

He sympathetically looked at her, "I can see how that could be hard. Eden Hall's so big though, just be yourself and you'll do fine," the older boy nudged the young girl's shoulder in a successful attempt to get a small smile.

The two continued on, catching up to Rick before stopping in front of a door.

"This is me," Rebecca spoke and reached for the key in her pocket.

Her dorm was nice, it had two beds, desks, drawers and closets. As well as a clock and phone.

"Just leave the boxes on the bed," she motioned to the boys, and they did as she said.

"Nice dorm you got here, Becca," her brother commented looking around.

Rebecca turned and flashed a smile, "Thanks, and thanks for your guys' help."

Rick returned his sister's smile, and Scooter nodded while he leaned up against her door frame.

"Do you know if you have a roommate?" Rick inquired.

Causing his sister to think for a moment, "I think so, she answered, But, I don't know who they are.

Rebecca felt more nerves rush through her at the thought of a roommate, especially one she didnt know. Being the only one from her middle school and previous hockey team attending Eden Hall ment she wouldn't know anyone apart from some people on varsity, though it wasn't like anyone at school or in her team was actually her friend, she would have at least wanted to have a familiar face in her year.

Rick saw some discomfort in his sister as she noticed her fingers fiddling with her ring.

"That's ok. Scooter and I are in the dorm block over, 255 if you need anything," he assured.

Rebecca nodded, "Got it."

A satisfied smile fell upon Ricks face as he looked at his not so little sister, "See you around."

"See ya, Rebecca" Scooter joined.

Rebecca waved at the boys as they left. Closing her door behind them she turned and took one look at her boxes, deciding she would unpack.

Author notes:

Ahhh, I'm sorry it's been awhile just been super busy.

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