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"Hell of a team you have, Rebecca," Scooter grinned as they left the auditorium.

Due to the Ducks entrance, orientation finished early.

"Tell me about it, that entrance they made was something, and don't get me started about Rick being an ass."

Rick's head appeared in-between Rebecca and Scooter, "What's this I hear about me being an ass?"

"Nothing," Rebecca laughed, turning to face her brother, but she found herself looking upon the varsity team too.

She flashed a quick look at Scooter and he gave a subtle nod, letting her know he wouldnt say anything.

"If you say so," Rick replied mischievously grinning, "Those Ducks are complete jokes. I Can't believe Buckley thought them being J.V was a good idea," he continued.

Rebecca wanted to call her brother out on his accusation of the Ducks and for how he was acting, but she knew she couldn't, not in front of the varsity team at least. Another upperclassman spoke, "You got that right, Riley. I want to check them into the boards."

Rebecca rolled her eyes at this older boy, "Original," she muttered, catching his attention.

The upperclassman looked at her with the intention to intimidate her and spoke, "Excuse me?"

Rebecca didnt back away from the boy, she simply glared at him. She had some fire and this boy had just made himself the target.

Her brother laughed and patted the older boy on the shoulder. "Don't argue with Cole, Rebecca," he intervened, preventing her from giving this boy a piece of her mind. Which she would have done in a heartbeat. Though she wasnt one for conflict, if something bothered her she wouldnt hold back.

The boy looked at Rick confused, "Do you know her, Riley?" he asked, and turned back to Rebecca, whose facials were unchanged.

Her brother gave a small laugh, "This is my sister," he announced, "She's a freshman here at Eden Hall."

Cole grinned at Ricks words before looking Rebecca in the eyes, "She's a little Riley?"

His comment caused Rebecca to become further irritated, without thinking she snapped,

"I am a Riley, but the only thing little here is your brain. Maybe youve lost a few brain cells checking into the board one too many times? Or did you get a puck to the -"

"Rebecca!" her brother sternly spoke cutting her off.

Startled, she looked at her brother whose expression was cold, staring at her. Quickly she apologised, and the silents that now fell made Rebecca uncomfortable.

"I better go, I've got boxes to unpack," she lied and waved goodbye, promptly making her way away from her brother and Upperclassmen.

Cole grumbled once Rebecca had left, "She's mean."

Rick huffed at Coles comment and played with the chain around his neck, not wishing to discuss his sister any further. He had no idea what had gotten into her. Scooter on the other hand knew what was up. He looked at Rick and unnoticed shook his head.

"See you guys later, I've got stuff to do," Scooter said and walked off not caring for their response.

He went after Rebecca. "Hey, are you alright?" he asked as he caught up to her outside of her dorm.

"I'm fine, Scooter," Rebecca responded, hoping he would be convinced and leave.

She opened her dorm door revealing it neatly unpacked.

Scooter looked down to Rebecca who felt his eyes locked on her, and mentally face palmed herself.

"Looks like you have a lot of boxes to unpack," he observed.

Rebecca knew shed been caught red-handed, but still tried to work her way out by playing dumb.

"Would you look at that," she marvelled, Its magic.

She looked up to the older boy who just gave her a knowing look.

"Fine, I didn't want to be there anymore," she admitted.

"Are you ok?" he asked again.

"Yes," Rebecca walked in and sat down on her bed.

"No," she sighed and lowered her head, "I dont know, I guess I just lost my cool."

Rebecca began to fiddle with her hands.

Scooter walked over and sat next to her, "It's ok," he sympathised.

"Besides, you were right. Cole barely has a brain, and if by some miracle he does, he doesn't use it. I think he was just surprised you said anything. It takes guts to stand up to an enforcer, even if you're just being a smartass," he spoke in attempts to comfort the girl.

Rebecca slightly laughed, I guess.

Before she spoke again she looked at her ring, What happened with Rick was unexpected.

She felt a pain inside of her she hadnt felt before and it was unsettling.

We might be siblings, but he has never snapped at me," she choked a little at the end of her sentence and Scooter could see her pain.

He placed a hand on her shoulder, "Look, Rick might be my best friend, but he was being a jerk. One thing I've noticed with him as the captain, he doesn't like to look weak or be questioned."

Scooter removed his hand from her shoulder and jokingly pointed a finger at her, "Just don't tell him I said that, or I'll have a puck coming at me while I have no pads on."

Rebecca motioned her fingers across her lips, zipping them shut, causing him to smile and a small smile flashed across her face.

"Now that that's off your chest. Are you feeling better?"

Rebecca nodded, "I am."

Scooter ruffled her hair, "I have to go, but you promise you're ok." .

Rebecca pushed his hand off, "I promise," she assured.

"One more thing, Scooter turned back to face her before he walked out, good luck with that team of yours, he winked and Rebecca laughed, "Thanks, Scooter.

And with that he left.


Julie was leaving Dean Buckley's office with her team. They thought they were in trouble for the damage that had been caused earlier after the entrance they had made. However, he was just being accommodating. While they were in there he talked about ants which confused the team, but that wasn't the matter that sparked their interest. They discovered they would be receiving a new player, another freshman, but who was the question.

"New player?" Connie spoke her thoughts aloud and everyone mumbled in response.

"Bombay didn't mention anything about a new player to me," Charlie glanced around his team, they all shared the same look of concern.

"Whoever it is, I'm sure they're worth their spot. The board wouldn't have chosen just anyone," Charlie ensured his team.

"I wonder who he is?" Avermen spoke.

"You never know. It could be a girl," Dwayne uttered.

"Let's just hope they aren't some stuck up preppy kid," Charlie cut in leaving the team in thought. They could only hope for the best.

Authors Notes:

Hi I'm still here, sorry I've been really busy with school. And just got back from my replacement Germany trip, because of stupid corona. Hope everyone is good and I will try be more active. However I do have exams soon so I'm sorry if I go Quite again. Keep Commenting I love reading your reactions :)

Stay Safe Everyone!

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