Chapter4: my 'family

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I woke up in my mates arms I smile as I thought of a way to wake him up. I quickly throw on my tank top and shorts. I walk be hind him and slap his back hard. He yelps and glares at me. I run out with him behind me."Haha you can't catch m-" I'm cut off by running straight into a door head first making a loud thud. I hear laughing from behind me and see Troy clutching his stomach . I get up walk over to him and yell in his ear making him jump and the back of his head hits my forehead so now we are both rubbing our heads.Then I see my Asian friend coming down yelling "good mornin is a very good fuckin day." I laugh at him. Than I see my old pack come down. I see my brothers and my ex mate and his slut. I gag at what she is wearing a shirt wayyyy to small for her and a skirt that barely covers her butt. But her face is worst its caked in make up I can see layers from here. "It was a very good fuckin day til they came, watch this" my asian friend said in my ear. He walked up to them and pulled out an ipad box. He held it out to the slut."OMG your giving me an Ipad"she asked."No its a maxy pad for your pussy now stop being so sluty"He said as he droped the frount cover of the box and there was a used maxy pad in there and he threw ith in her face and ran. She schreeched and wiped her face but when she thouched her face the makeup cracked and fell to the floor. I had tears running down my face from laughing and Troy was on the floor with tears running down his face. My brothers where trying to hold it I'm but ended up going red from holding it in. "This is going on YouTube " I said. "Sky may we talk to you " cole asks.
"Please it's important"
"Can I bring my mate"
"Sure come on"
I lead them to dads office which I use more than he dose because he has a desk in his room. "Talk"I say
"Sky we are so sorry for the way we treated you over the years. We just jumped to conclusions. We blamed you for our parents death. We just acted with out thinking. I don't expect you to forgive us.we just want you to know where sorry" my brothers said. I had tears going down my face. I really missed my brothers I miss the old them I can understand why they hate me. I walk up to them and give the a huge hug. " I forgive up" I whisper. "Really" they say ."yea" they pull me back into a hug. " Alright that was sweet" Troy said wiping fake tears. "Aww is the big baby crying" I cooed. "Shut up"he said. "I don't shut up I grow up but when I look at up I throw up"I say. " Babe that hurt that really hurt" he said clutching his chest. The best day ever.

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