Chapter 1: A Secret

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(Jotaro will be 19 years old and you will be 18 years old in this because I'm not comfortable with writing characters underaged, apologizes)

The Crusaders and I have arrived at a hotel. I was lucky enough to get my own room again so that I could hide it from them. As in I mean the stand that I was able to remove from Ms. Holly and attach itself to me. Yeah, I know it sounds crazy, but my stand gave me the ability to do this, to remove a stand from a stand user who is dying and allow its powers to combine with mine. I have no worries now knowing that she's safe and that it's slowly trying to kill me.

~Flashback to About 2 Weeks Ago~
It was the middle of the night, I'm extremely quiet in my footsteps so no one could hear me, and Ms. Holly wouldn't awaken. I sat next to her and leaned in about a foot away from her face. I closed my eyes and put all of my concentration into removing her stand making sure not to hurt her during the process. I gently placed my hand upon her face as I could feel the thorns and vines of her stand wrapping around my right hand and ending at the top of my wrist tightly then disappearing, it was in the early stage of developing. I smiled knowing that she was going to be safe. She'll still have symptoms for a few days, but we'll be long gone by the time she's back to her cheery self. I smile as I quietly leave back to the room I was staying in.
~Flashback Over~

It's been about 2 weeks now since we've started our journey. I was slowly starting to get weaker but not enough to be noticed... yet. The stand is now covering my entire right arm but since I was much stronger than Ms. Holly, I was able to keep it under control better giving us technically more time to defeat Dio but they still don't know my secret.

I was supposed to meet the Crusaders down for breakfast by 8am but I was still in bed fast asleep. My body just didn't want to wake up this morning. The reason why I always wanted a room to myself is because the stand would show itself while I was asleep, not because I was uncomfortable around a bunch of dudes.

Little did I know the crusaders were unlocking the door to check on me. They assumed that I could have accidentally overslept or possibly been attacked by an enemy stand. "WAKE UP SLEEPY HEAD!!!" Pol yelled, I still didn't budge. Then as they all walked in "OH MY GOD" Mr. Joestar yelled at he noticed that his daughters stand was completely covering my right arm, this immediately woke me up. Shit I was in trouble, how the hell am I going to explain this.

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