3. venom sucks at patrol

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-Peter's pov-

Things were going great. I hadn't had any sensory overloads or PTSD attacks, and at SI, after I finished my work I would help the other interns, on any floor. Sometimes I was specifically called to help. School was going ok, and eddie hasn't had venom try to take over lately. And when I patrolled, DP would usually come along, like I was doing now. He told me his first name was wade, and he was a year older then me. I didn't tell him my name, just my age. Although, I kinda wanted to tell him.

"There seems to be a mugging two blocks up and to the left." My AI said.

"Thanks Karen!"

"Hey baby boy, where did you get that AI anyways?" Wade asked. I blushed a bit at the nickname.

"I made it." I said simply.

"wHaT?! That's so cool!" He squealed. When we arrived at the alleyway Karen told me to go to, I saw a man holding a knife in front of a teenage boy, who looked like he was fumbling for his wallet.

"ok, I want you to take care of this one. and no killing." I told DP. He nodded and stepped in. Wade quickly twisted the man's wrist, so the knife fell out of his hand. Then, he kicked the muggers stomach hard enough to knock him unconsious.

"Good job." I said. He almost started crying from the compliment. I turned to the boy.

"You good?" I asked. I didn't see any injuries, but I couldn't be too safe.

"Y-Yeah! You're spiderman! Oh my- can I have you autograph?" He asked, getting a small notepad from his bag.

"You... You want my autograph?" I asked dumbfounded. No one really cared for little spiderman, but the look on his face was like he just met one of the avengers.

"Yeah! You're a superhero, why wouldn't I? I can't belive I'm meeting the spiderman!" He said.

"Th-Thanks!" I said, signing his notepad.

"Can you call the cops? This guy won't be waking up any time soon, and you know I gotta go stop other crime and stuff... sorry..." I said. He nodded and pulled out his phone, dailing 911 as I swung away, with DP following behind.

"Did you see that! You have fans!" Wade seemed more excited than I did. After patrolling for another half an hour, we stopped on a roof.

"I should probably go now." I said. I saw his shoulders sink in dissapointment.

"But same time tomorrow? Oh, next time I'm bringing a friend." He perked up when I told him I could come tomorrow.

"Sure! But, who's the friend? Does he have powers?"

"Yeah, something like that, you'll see tomorrow. You did good today." I said, before swinging off to an alleyway to change.


"Hey guys!" I called, walking over to the cafateria table that MJ, Ned, and Eddie were sitting at.

"Hey Peter! Can we work on a new lego set I got tonight?" Ned says as I sit down.

"Sorry Ned, not tonight. I'm deffinitely free on saturday though." He nodded, and started a one sided conversation with MJ.

"Hey Eddie?"


"Can you join me for patrol tonight?" I whisper. He started to shake his head.

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