A Pebble on The Path

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Y/n: Eh?

He turns to look at the female that asked the question, it was Ruby. The Raider that he didn't want to see while leaving with the knight.

Ruby: You heard me! What are you doing with this knight?

Ruby points at the knight. The knight puts her shield up to put up a defense if needed. Y/n put an arm in front of the knight.

Y/n: We're leaving to deal with the people that attacked your village.

Ruby: Well i'm coming with yo-

Y/n: no

He put his arm down and walked towards Ruby.

Y/n: You need to protect this village and help rebuild, without you who would protect this village.

Ruby: But... But can't you stay? We can plan together to go against that anonymous force!

Y/n: I can't, I will have to go with this knight, and go to the Samurai Region.

He turn towards the self protecting knight

Y/n: let's go

The Conq. nods and lowers her defenses, and began to walk down the path towards the Samurai Region. Y/n turns back to look at Ruby, looking a bit sad but he then sighed. He walked up to ruby and patted her head. She looks up at him, their eyes meet.

Y/n: Make sure you save me some mead when I get back.

Ruby smiled and he brought down his arm. He began to walk out of Grăd, onwards to the samurai region.

_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_Time Skip-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-

Y/n and the conq. were walking down a small path trees on both sides while the sun is slowly reaching noon and the birds songs and the only thing breaking the silence. Y/n looked the conq. not even know her name, but still being on her side.

Y/n: So uh... what's your name.

The Conq. jumped a bit, looking back at Y/n.

Conq: M-My names Abelia.

Y/n: Well, nice to meet you Abelia, I'm Y/n

He stuck out his while still walking. Abelia hesitantly grabbed and shook his hand. After a second they let go and put their hands down.

Y/n looked the river on the right side of the path. The path and river were separated by a small layer of trees. Y/n taps Abelia's shoulder then pointed at the river. She looks at Y/n then looks at where he's pointing. She licked her lips and realized she was thirsty. She nodded and they both walked towards the river.

Y/n opens the bag on his waist and pulls out a leather canteen and fills it up and takes a couple of swigs then passes it to Abelia. She also takes a couple of swings then fills it back up then closes it then hands it back to Y/n.

They continue to walk down the path. it was very peaceful as if there is no war happening. the more they walk the more it turns into a dense jungle.

It began to turn quiet almost too quiet but the river still was there. Y/n held up his fist, and they both stop to listen to they're surroundings.

-S I L E N C E-

they stood in place placing their hands on their weapons but didn't pull them out.


The turned to quickly at where the noise came from. nothing was there but they kept their guard up.

The two waited, then a something was thrown. they dodged back a little then looked at the thing stuck in the tree. A kunai. The one who threw it stepped out from the brush. An Orochi walked past the two and picked up the kunai as they both looked at the Orochi.

Orochi: i guessing your heading towards Saizen-Sen, right?

The Orochi sounded feminine, and Before Y/n could speak, Abelia spoke over him

Abelia: yes we are going there.


Howdy, it's been a minute since i've continued this. I've just been lazy and haven't done anything in a while. i've slowly been updating and slowly getting it done but i'm just so lazy but i'll try to be fast and try to put more work in i promise. I didn't bring any gift or milk this time. :(

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2020 ⏰

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