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Touya POV

Shit.' I thought to myself as he glared into my soul, I knew I should've just stayed in the woods. "Why are you home so late?" Enji asked in a stern tone. "I was tutoring some kid in my class." I responded with a just as deadly glare, earning me a smack to my face. It left a mark. I punched Enji in the gut after he slapped me, I didn't use much force, but it was enough so that he clutched his stomach in astonishment and stayed like that for a few moments, giving me just enough time  to run upstairs to my room.

Tenko POV
Once I got home, I noticed that no one was home, per usual, so I quickly ran down the hall  to my room. I was about a foot away when I heard my father's voice. "Tenko!!" It was my father, 'not again..' I thought to myself. I cautiously turned around, just to see my dad standing there, right in front of me, pure rage in his eyes.

"Where have you been?!" Shouted the tall man in front of me, how could this man ever be my father? He had started drinking when I was around eight, a few months after that, it had become an addiction for him. Since then he had always hit me, and beat me, he even locked me out of the house with no food or water a few times before. Over the years, it's just been getting worse and worse, at this point, I'm pretty sure I've been through the worst pain than anyone else by their own family.

Touya POV

After being in my room for a while, I decided to finally leave it, I had to go check up on Shoto anyways. As I walked down the hall, I noticed Fuyumi's light still on. 'Huh' I thought, I'll check it out later.' I headed over to Shoto's room and lightly cracked the door, I smiled, seeing that he was sound asleep. After Shoto, I went over to Fuyumi's room and softly knocked, after a few seconds of silence, I opened the door and looked inside.

I saw Fuyumi sitting on her bed looking down at the floor, "Can I come in?" I asked, she looked over to me nodded, at that gesture, I went over and sat next to her, after closing the door. "So, what's up?" I asked, looking to her with a curious face, "What do you mean?" She asked, I could tell that there was a hint of nervousness in her voice, "I'm not stupid, Fuyumi. I can tell when you're lying." I said, raising an eyebrow at my sister, who sighed in response. "It's just- this family is so messed up. Our father abuses you and Shoto when at the same time, he's supposed to be a pro hero. Mom is in a mental hospital for burning Shoto, and you have to take care of us because I can't do anything and Sho and Natsuo are to small, I just want us to be a normal family.." After that, there was a long silence before I hugged Fuyumi for what felt like forever.
"It'll get better one day..."

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