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Tenko POV

Me and Todoroki have been friends for a few weeks, now, and he's also been tutoring me for all that time. I never actually thought I would have a friend like him, yet here we are now; me waiting for him at our spot in the woods. After a minute or two, I felt someone come up behind me anf scruff up my longish black hair, "Hey crusty, whatcha got today?" I heard as the redhead sat down on the log in front of me.

"Hey, bandages, today is just math homework again." I said blankly, pulling out a sheet if paper from my small backpack, "Seriously? This is so easy, you idiot!" He said, lightly pushing me, it didn't hurt or anything though, me and him were to the point where we could call eachother names and it was just a normal thing, "I know, I know, but can you help me? Please?" I gave him those big puppy eyes I learned could easily win him over.

"Whatever." Was his response as he explained everything to me. After a while, we were done and we both stood up, "Hey, why don't you come to the park with me? It could be fun!" Said Touya as he grabbed my arm, I could tell that I didn't have a choice in this.

A few minutes later, we were swinging next to each other, talking about completely random things. It was nice being around him like this, just us two, no one else to disturb us- "Hey! Todoroki- San!" There goes that plan. Who is this kid? And how does he know who Touya is? I quickly grabbed Todoroki's arm lightly, hiding behind him, I made sure though, not to grab onto his arm too tightly, I knew he was sensetive there because of the bandages.

"Yes, bird brain?" Asked Todoroki in a calm manner. Did they know eachother? "Who's that?" The blonde boy asked, clearly referring to me, "My boyfriend, now go away." Wait what- before I even got a chance to say anything, I was being practically dragged away by my redhead friend.

"Seriously, Todoroki-San? I didn't think you were the kind of person to really-" the winged boy began, "Well, guess you were wrong then, huh?" Is what Todoroki responded with. The rest of the day, we just hung out with the boy; who's bame I eventually found out, was Takami. Soon enough, Takami left, and It was just me and Todoroki again.

"Hey, Touya, about what you said earlier..about me being your bo-" I began, walking with my head down, "You have two options. Either we can forget about it and move on. Or you can accept your fate with me." He interrupted. "Uhm..option..two?" I said, a bit confused. "Great. See you tomorrow, crusty." Todoroki said before walking off.
'What just happened?'

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