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Soo, I'm changing up their ages lineup a bit- not too drastically tho. And this is a major time skip later.

Fuyumi Todoroki- age 16
Keigo Takami- Age 15
Natsuo Todoroki- age 15
Shoto Todoroki- age 12
Himiko Toga- age 12
Shouta Aizawa- age 21
Touya Todoroki- age 16
Tenko Shimura- age 16
Kaoruko Awata- age 16
Rumi Usagiyama- age 16
Ryuko Tatsuma- age 16
Kenji Hikiishi- age 16
(Those are the somewhat important ones. The rest of the class is irrelevant.)

'God, I hate this school already-' the redhead thought to himself as he walked through the somewhat empty halls of UA, but just then, he was caught off gaurd when he felt a weight jump on his back and give him a quick kiss on the cheek. "Hey, Ten." The Todoroki said as he adjusted his arms to hold up the other male. "I missed you. Where have you been?" Shimura asked as he leaned his head onto Touya's.

"Tenko, we just talked on the phone yesterday." Said Touya, looking back at his boyfriend. Shimura was about to speak, but before he got the chance, he heard a voice from down the hall, "Hey! No PDA!" those words irritated Touya.

"Well fu-" the teenager was saying before he actually turned around. Shimura hopped off of his back, but still clung to his redhead. "Shoto? What are you doing here?" Touya asked confused as he kneeled down to his little brother's height just as he ran up to him. "You forgot your sketch book at home, and I thought you might want it, so I brought it here!" The short boy explained, which brought a smile to Touya's face as he took the sketchbook from Sho, "Thanks, Shoto. You're the best." He said calmly, ruffling his brother's hair.

"Your welcome!" Shoto hugged his brother when he said this. Shimura looked confused. "Oh yeah! Shoto, this is Shimura Tenko, Tenko, this is my brother, Shoto." Touya said calmly. Tenko made a small waving motion towards the younger, while Shoto just looked kind of confused. "Anyways, Sho, you should be getting home. Did Fuyumi or Nat come here with you?" Touya questioned, Shoto nodded his head, "Natsuo did."
"Good, now run along before Enji gets home, okay?" Shoto nodded again and gave Touya one last quick hug before he ran off.

"So, that's your brother?" Shimura asked as they walked into their class. "Yeah. He's the youngest of us." Todoroki responded, sitting at one of the desks in the back as Shimura sat in the one right next to him.

Soon enough, there were about seventeen teenagers in the classroom, though the Todoroki in the room didn't notice because he was too busy drawing out his future hero suit, labelling everything and all, making sure he had a mask that would prevent the heat of his flames to burn himself. He didn't even notice the many different pairs of eyes staring down at his work as he did this. Once Touya looked up, he saw a blonde girl with some kind of huge accessory to her hair, a bunny girl, Tenko of course, but that was normal, a strange looking plant guy(?), and a person with short red hair who he couldn't tell the gender of.

Dabi quickly closed his notebook and slowly inched his way over to his raven haired boyfriend. "Can I cremate them?" He whispered softly, Shimura glared at him. "Depends. Can I disintegrate your bird?" The older of the two let himself slump down with his chin placed on Shimura's shoulder. "I'm not some cheating bastard, Ten." Touya said in a calm, monotone voice, "Oh yeah, I know that. But that bird on the other hand is a whore and he obviously has a thing for you." Shimura said as he leaned his head over onto Touya's.

Soon enough; after about six hours, Aizawa decided he was done for today and let everyone do their own thing for the rest of their time. The Todoroki was about to talk to Shimura, but before he could he saw someone standing in front of him with their hand out. Touya looked up to the rabbit girl with a raised eyebrow, she had a big smile and a cheerful expression; "Hi! I'm Usagiyama! Usagiyama Rumi!" Yeah, she was definitely a lesbian.

"Todoroki Touya." The redhead said and lightly shook the girl's hand, "That's a cool name- Hey, we should hang out sometime! You can bring your boyfriend along too if we do, if you want." Rumi explained, Touya chuckled a bit, "Yeah..alright, maybe sometime this weekend?" Todoroki suggested, "Sure!" Was the reply he got before the girl gave one last smile and hopped away.

"Who's that?" Shimura asked Todoroki with a hint of cautiousness and curiosity in his tone. "Oh, that's just Usagiyama." Replied the other simply, at which Shimura shrugged right before the bell rang and everyone shot up to leave. "Anyways, wanna come over to my place for dinner tonight? I can message you the time and address and stuff." The redhead asked as the two males walked out of the building, "Yeah, sure, make sure you text me."

Tenko gave the other a quick peck on the cheek before they both walked opposite ways.

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