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Gregor didn't dislike the farm. He didn't dislike that he had his own room and that his dad was finally-- finally --seeming to take inching steps towards recovery. He disliked waking up in the middle of the night in a bed with too much space and in a room with too much room. He disliked waking up on the farm because that meant it was just another day he wouldn't be able to go back. Sometimes, he allowed himself to wish. He wished he could've stayed because Ripred would surely be able to help with the nightmares, even if he complained about it. Luxa would help by being there. But they were both miles and miles away, both across the earth and below it, and there weren't any entries to the Underland here. He still wished, though.



With a shriek and a pounce onto his chest, Boots was patting his cheek, hands sticky with what smelled like maple syrup. Gregor accepted it all with a laugh, pushing her off gently.

"I'm up, Boots. What is it?"
"Lizzie said to come get you." Boots says, sitting back on his stomach.

Gregor groans, but nods. "Go tell her I'll be down in a minute."
With a beaming smile, Boots jumps off of him, and runs down the hall, the sound of her thumping footsteps echoing through the house. Laying back, Gregor tries to remember the dream he had been having. It had been one of the better ones. Where he and Luxa had been together again. More often than sometimes, it was one of the bad ones though.

Shaking his head to rid himself of the unpleasant memories, Gregor gets up and dresses in his unofficial uniform, which consisted of a long sleeve shirt and jeans. Not his choice. But if he wants to avoid the questions and curious looks, long sleeves and pants had to be worn. It didn't do much for the scars on his face, but those were easier to explain. The salve the Underland doctors had given him had eventually run out, so the scars stuck. Sometimes he could get away with wearing short sleeves around the house, but he saw how his mom and everyone else looked at his arms. He knew his mom hated the ones from the giant squid the most. He knew she hated that he had scars at all, but it had really been all his choice in the end. To go back. To protect the Underland. To protect Luxa. Though she didn't need the protection.

Reaching into his pocket, Gregor finds the picture he keeps on himself at all times, unfolding it carefully. The joints were already soft and fraying after one too many foldings, but he held onto it still. It had a younger version of himself and Luxa in it; smiling sadly at the camera. With a sigh, he folds the picture back up, and tucks it back into his pocket before going downstairs.


Boots is shoveling pancakes into her mouth, while Lizzie only pokes at them, taking the occasional bite. When Lizzie spots him, she perks up, smiling.

"Hey, Lizzie." He says with a tired smile. "What's up?"
"I finished that book you got me. Do you think, um...if you get a chance..."
He ruffles her hair, laughing. "Yeah. I gotta go out anyway. I'll try to find something."
Her smile widens, and she giggles. "Thank you!"
Gregor pulls on his jacket, shoving his feet into the shoes waiting by the door.

"Wait--" Lizzie starts.

"Gregor!" Boots squeals, jumping down from her chair, and running to wrap her arms tightly around his leg.


"You have to eat!" She insists. "It's important."
"I'm not hungry, Boots. I'll eat when I get back, alright?"
"Boots," Lizzie says quietly. "It's okay. He won't forget to eat."

Boots releases his leg, returning sullenly to her pancakes, but Gregor can't seem to muster up more than a little bit of guilt. It was going to be one of those days, then.

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